Villa Week 43 - Sorting Beez

Week Forty-Three at Sleeping Indian
Sunday the 10th of January. Chef performed his ‘magic’ in the kitchen and what a breakfast tray to fill the heart with glee. Egg perfection for me and a glorious event for Bear. Sadly, seven new cases of Covid on the island…… We pottered for a while and then had a site meeting about the finishing touches to the front of the villa and in front of the air con units.
Bear put the staysail on Beez and blew up Baby Beez to see if he can find her leaks. I did some painting touch ups and the first coat of siliconiser on the gas cylinder ‘hutch’, then we had the rest of the day off. Monday the 11th. General housework for a couple of hours until we braved ringing Mike the Broker who came after lunch to visit and assess Beez for market. Yes, the time has come. If we wish to spend nine months a year in the UK and three here in Antigua she will not get the use and adventures she deserves. Tomorrow we begin the serious job of emptying and sorting our lovely girl’s nooks and crannies. Tuesday the 12th. Oh dear, what a task. All day we marched back and forth with ‘stuff’. Wednesday the 13th. Early to Beez. Bear sorted his tool shed, I painted some insides of cupboards and sorted the kitchen. At lunchtime we found a bananaquit in the villa kitchen chirping about sugar (we had forgotten to close the insect doors so he snuck in through the lounge). I took the storage jar out to find a line of eight of his chums waiting with a couple of bulbuls.
A quick pour of brown sugar and they all leapt at the pot swinging happily from a branch of one of the milkwood cacti. Not too many squabbles with orderly enjoyment Thursday the 14th. Second day on the trot we have had ‘the messenger’ in the kitchen demanding sugar for his chums. I watched for a few minutes and enjoyed the antics of these four chaps. We made the beds up on Beez save for the office which has tools laid out ready for when the injector pump returns from its ‘oliday in Miami. Friday the 15th. I got to it early this morning as I wanted to put the new mat in front of the sink and at the bottom of the steps on Beez. Happily sporting blisters from the scissors. Mmmm. Bear finished his bits and we were both changed and looked as if we were ‘calmly’ sipping coffees on the patio as Mike arrived with a local chap to see Beez. He loves her but his dock is not wide enough. Mike returned after dropping chap home to take all the pictures for on line brochure. Feeling a bit woofed we finished early and played backgammon and Mex Train, far too chippy for the beach. Saturday the 16th. Coming down the stairs to see the fruits of our labour………just one way of putting it. Bear settled to some sorting – some things to go back to Beez as spares, bits in the rubbish and a small amount of head scratching. I left him to it to potter. Other News:- We now have twenty-five active cases of Covid – does not sound many but for months we stayed at tiny numbers in single figures. An elderly man died (very locally) this week, his son (positive test) thinks nothing of ignoring the rules by refusing to wear a mask or social distancing. Methinks it is time to become more vigilante. Stay Safe Everyone. ALL IN ALL QUITE A RIDE A BUSY WEEK BUT LOOKING GOOD |