Christmas Party, Pangkor

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 21 Dec 2017 23:57
Christmas Party, Pangkor Marina, Malaysia
It was beautiful thing to watch the finishing touches to the marina Christmas tree – performed by a pretty, young Muslim lady, smiling and laughing as she worked. That sight was a ‘never to be forgotten moment’.
Each boat had brought a dish and Ruz had made her famous chicken sticks. Quite a table.
Big pieces of fish on the BBQ, beers in the cooler and a cake selection for afters.
The present table. Each of us had to take a gift (value about five pounds), place it here as Akina (office) wrote our names down and they went into the draw.
The food was delicious and plentiful. We sat eagerly awaiting present time as Akina announced the rules. The first person would be called, choose and unwrap their gift and pull the next name. The second person would choose, unwrap and if they wanted to swop dibs with the first person, then so be it. So the last person called could swap with anybody. The first few people accepted their presents, drew the next name and sat down.
Eventually it happened, a lady pulled a hacksaw and fancied to swap with something she had had her eye on. Then someone had too many cushions and traded for mini speakers.
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No sooner than Richard had said he needed the umbrella (easy to spot by shape and Kereru needs a new mast) than it was chosen.
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Bear went up a long time after me, chose a present – a box and tin of butter cookies, very chuffed with himself. He then chose the next name and a lady produced a roll of masking tape. Keen to get rid of it I raised my garlic flavoured pistachio nuts. “Ooo yes” and the swap made us both happy bunnies.
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Richard undid a picture frame but soon swopped for the umbrella. Needs must.
Sadly, the very last person won the umbrella back.
Happy faces. Happy Christmas.
                     A GREAT EVENING