Mothering Sunday

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 10 Mar 2013 23:27
Happy Mothers
Happy Mothers
Day Mum and to the mums of our wonderful grandbabies, we hope you have a really
lovely day.
Thank you all for my
messages, texts and ecards. I had a lay in with an episode of Law and Order, a
bowl of Frosties and despite the fact that it was Sunday - I leapt up defrosted,
scrubbed and repacked the fridge. Pleased with myself and knowing it was boiled
eggs for lunch I pressed on with a bit of general tidying. Clearly I should have
quit whilst I was ahead. I moved my veg basket and saw an ant. Now as you all
know ants and any creepy crawlies are not welcome aboard Beez Neez. I shook my
onion back and saw another ant. I took my string bag with said onions to the
sink and shook it again. More ants........... In the end I took each onion out
as these were the only available source of said creatures. On close inspection I
saw a steady stream of six legged, the queen and a couple with wings exit the
TOP of a perfectly firm, normal looking onion.
As a gambling woman,
would I have placed a bet on finding an ant nest in an
onion. No.
The sink was now awash of fleeing
things, layers of onion skins stripped off the outside of each during the
checking process, fingers where the juice was seeping into the sore bits from
having cleaned all my brass the morning before and yellow stained fingernails.
Time for a drink as Steve popped across to invite us to sundown on Scott-Free.
Boys with beer in hand heard me grumbling as I knocked the bin over sending
pineapple peel and wet onion skins went all over the kitchen floor and because
the bin had rolled – spun a load over the lounge floor. This was turning into
the need for a few choice swear words and a stiff drink. Mess cleared up Beez
now smelt like a pickle factory. Bear quietly moved in to do me Aunt Et for
It just goes to prove my membership to
the Egg Gang was a one time only event. Today Bear served me perfection – his were classics.
Today being the day for novel and
unusual goings on, one of his eggs just fell apart.
To add insult to all my injuries, the
captain had the temerity to beat me twice at backgammon, we were told the clock
had gone forward an hour and I was very pleased to wend my way over to
Scott-Free, Chris and Steve, joined by Rod and Mary (Sheer Tenacity) for some
adult conversation and a few laughs. Maybe next time I get the urge to leap up
and get busy, when I actually had the perfect excuse to take a lazy day, I will
put my forehead to a cool surface until said urge passes me by.
Wouldn’t dream of
it my little cherub
See Pepe show her teeth and emit a
menacing growl
Have you ever seen a salt pot aimed
with so much accuracy and venom
Bear has
Run Bear, Run
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