Rebak to Telaga
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 8 Feb 2019 23:57
Rebak Marina to Telaga
Anchorage Friday the 8th. Bear pottered with covers
and pronounced we try to leave at midday. OK then. I potter. At half eleven I
suggest a quick dip in the pool to cool off. Once in, we have a cheeky Magnum at
the pool bar, shower and I bimble off to the office to pay our final bill.
Engine on and ready to leave at ten past one. Final look
back at Rebak
Marina. The marina
entrance or exit as I get my favourite view of the
skipper as he tidies ropes and
fenders. Once outside I begin slow turns to
recalibrate the compass and reset the autopilot. Quick test of said autopilot
and we wildly swing to the right. Hmmm. Off we spuddle whilst Bear gets
instruction book. Out in a clear seaway we try pressing lots of buttons. Swing
the compass again, reset the autopilot again. Engage autopilot and we turn in a
tight circle. Repeat countless times to the point where I now know we are
piddling about. We’ll head in to the fuel dock
at Telaga and I will do a Dockside Reset. We have a plan. I head in
to Telaga and toward the
lighthouse. I radio to the Telaga Marina Office who
tell me that there are two boats on the fuel dock so come in loiter but will
have boy from petrol station waiting for you. That made me giggle, by the
time I had entered and done a u-turn the dock was free so no loitering
necessary. Two hundred litres of diesel in the jerry
jugs and eighty-seven litres of diesel in the main tank. That done I
nipped off with the lad to pay at the petrol station whilst Bear tidied his jerry jugs, put their hats on and locked
the girl. We took the opportunity to nip to the Immigration Office next door.
Clutching stamped out Passports we headed back to Beez. I’ve done the Dockside Reset. OK then, sea trial it
is. Off we went just outside the marina and inner anchorage and
with short pants I pressed the autopilot. BINGO. All well. Heading back into the
inner anchorage we found a spot, dropped the hook and needed a celebratory
snifter with such a late lunch as to call it early supper. The engine went off
at four-thirty – not bad considering we only did an hour long run............
Truly wonderful to launch Baby
Beez and take this picture of the girl at
anchor. How resplendent she looks. Time now, in the hot, late afternoon
sun to swim and sponge all her dirty marks. I found three or four barnacles on
her her hull, not bad for two months in a marina but when Bear dived down to the
prop – oh my, there were hundreds of the sharp little buggers. Bear went down
time and time again and declared a success
but the backs of his hands were covered in tiny slashes. Well at least the
constant dit, dit, dit noise I have to put up with from the sonic machine are
doing their job on the hull. Pity the prop paint has
proved a waste of time and money, I’ll check it again when we get to Sabang.
By the time we had showered off the back of the
girl, a treat in itself, it was gone seven. Time to lay down and watch a few
episodes. Bliss, pure