OCO Machines

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 15 Oct 2013 22:57
The One Carefully Owned Machines of Aitutaki


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The carefully owned cars began very humbly, very young and almost disappointing.


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Bear liked the composition of this fresher and trailer.


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Well, our first big girl rested nerves, just when quality came into question. We were just exploring when a scooter pulled up. Not a bit shocked to hear all about One Careful Owner blogs, the new arrivals were going to take her picture to add to a collection. The young lady's dad, was in construction, you know. The couple took pictures of all big girls and thought One Careful Owner was indeed a good title. Had we have known, we would get to pose together, we would have chosen our colours a little more complimentary, instead we look like a Twink Dye advert. We bade farewell to the our like minded companions and carried on with our evaluation.


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She did indeed tick most boxes, but what of foliage.


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Bear was most excited to find the front end was top drawer, including Airy (with no H) String.


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Down the road - well, what a joy, a smorgasbord, a bevvy of beauties.
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Bear sprang into action.
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A veritable Goldilocks to the test, leaping to the next.
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Such quality. Lacking in foliage perhaps ????
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I complain Sir, just look to the scoop. Oh that’s fine then.
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WOW. And just look at the bucket, rear view not bad at all.
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Worth a closer look. A jerry can to go with the whole package.
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I don’t know but I liked it.
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Tour bus, jaunty angle, great paint job and cockpit to go.
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Air conditioning as standard, complete with made-to-measure seat.
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What a finale.
                     SO MUCH CHOICE AND SUCH QUALITY