RSYC Lunch

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 11 Aug 2015 22:57
Lunch at the Royal Suva Yacht Club
We had a late start, bimbled around the shops for an hour before getting a taxi to the Royal Suva Yacht Club. We presented ourselves to the lady at reception who welcomed us and pointed to the bar and restaurant. A tired building that doesn’t look too bad from a little way back.
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The skipper and Maj arrived soon after we did and posed in the now, warm sunshine.
Very sheltered RSYC Marina.
Commemorative plaque.
Steve and Bear pose.
The haul-out facilities opposite.
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We sat in the clean and comfortable restaurant, and each chose the days three pound thirty special – battered swordfish and chips, very nice it was too. Apparently the steaks are wonderful and the rest of the menu has a great reputation. It was nice to sit awhile and watch the world go by, a sport fisher came to drop her crew and refuel, then the pilot came in for a wash and brush up.
Bear signed the guestbook on the way out.
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We looked at the old photographs on the wall and bimbled over to the chandlery opposite.
Very bijou was said chandlery, so out of there in a couple of minutes.
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We stop to admire the ‘One Careful Owner’ outboard dangling from a shed we passed, the umbrellas clearly enhanced the experience. We crossed the road and took a pound taxi ride [for the four of us] back to town.
After a successful detour to a DVD shop, where we bought films for seventy five pence, promised none had been videoed in a cinema but may have a few subtitles at chest height........., we took on the clothing floor at Big Bear’s. The home department was all we could face yesterday.
I could not picture anyone's granddaughter in these particular monstrosities' let alone our Duchess – even after dividing the cost by three. I did ask the lady if she had any baggy trousers and she did show me a purple pair with what looked like the coloured ends from yellow drawing pins down each leg. Unable to take anymore of this high quality fashion we made a quick stage left exit for home.
Bear went to the pool, the towels from yesterday still not quite dry.................... I fought copying the new films.
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In he went, came up and told me I wouldn’t like the cold water. ‘Nuff said, Guv. In the evening we bimbled back down to the food hall and if I eat anymore Chinese chicken I’ll either take on the look or start preening my feathers, so long as I don’t start laying eggs....................
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