Villa Week 39 - Launch and Fun

Week Thirty-Nine at Sleeping Indian Sunday the 13th. Kirk (leader of the TT Villa Victims Group) landed last night and popped over for breakfast this morning. As always Bear rose to the occasion and we settled (for a change) on the patio. My pair were gorgeous. We chatted for a while and then chatted to the lovely trio renting next door. Subject turned to sport and the girls – Sarah and Veronica said they enjoyed wakeboarding. Well, Kirk said he would pick them up at seven on the morrow and go for a spin around the bay in his boat. We would go for the ride and I would take pictures.
Monday the 14th. The morning began with some spits of rain and gave a very dull start but once in the bay we were treated to a rainbow. I did not envy Sarah plunging in and strapping the board to her feet. Lovely to get rainbow behind her. Then it was Veronica’s turn who made some good ‘s’ shapes but was hesitant to take on the wake.
Sarah went back in and it was nice to see a smile on her face. Kirk went in on an in-line boot and I loved the water spray as he stood the first time (very competent at whizzing side to side). When we got back I got stuck in to housework and Bear went to see how Beez was coming along at Ivan’s hands. In the evening Kirk gathered us all together along with Davin (from next door) and Rob (one of Kirk’s neighbours) for supper at The Greek for supper. Tuesday the 15th. A glassy start to the day. Bear helped me prepare the car port roof by scrubbing and cleaning the guttering whilst I swept and stirred the paint. Once finished Bear poured some of the strange siliconiser paint into a pot, I caught the dollops and he handed it up to me once I had climbed the ladder and once I was settled on the roof of said car port Bear went off for another visit to Beez. I got stuck in to the first coat on the top with the gloopy stuff, no fun painting white in bright sunshine. Davin came round to say that Kirk had invited us to go to Dennis’s on FFreyes Beach (yes, two f’s) the next bay along after ours. Bear was nowhere to be seen when Kirk appeared but he was happy to wait. Himself came in twenty minutes later and we quickly gathered ‘stuff’. Sadly Veronica had to do a work meeting via video call but the rest of us loaded into the boat. The interesting point – we anchored and had to swim ashore.
Once on the sand, a quick rub down, costumes on bushes to dry a bit and up the steps at Dennis’s under the pretty bougainvillea. Davin, our lady server, Sarah, Kirk and Bear were a nightmare to get to pose. A couple of cocktails, good food and a promise to return. Everyone wanted a green flash at sunset but no and then the moment I so did not look forward to – pulling a cold, wet cossie on and having to swim back to the boat. Great fun followed by drinks on the patio next door.
Wednesday the 16th. After breakfast it rained so I had to wait a while before doing the second coat on car port roof. Bear did some research, ordered a door bell and Kirk joined him for lunch. This afternoon we got on our bikes and both went to see Beez who is beginning to look launch ready – Bear has worked very hard on her. No sign of Ivan so we went to his workshop in the marina yard. The yellow ‘thing’ on the right is the stern drive leg off the girl. By the time we got in we needed a cup of tea and showers, no sooner than we were clean than Kirk rang to say Davin would pick us up in his hire car and bring us to the pizza place. Yet another fun evening.
Thursday the 17th. We did a repeat of the other day to see how the girls had improved. Wake boarding is a mystery to us but we thoroughly enjoyed watching. Sarah gave us a huge smile and Veronica gritted up to the wake. Kirk of course gave me great spray.
Bear as usual went to see Beez and to see if our one thirty was a go for launch. I put a first coat on the front of the car port making sure I finished at midday so I could make Bear a wrap, feed myself and change out of work clothes before the bimble at one. Bear appeared, we ate together and set off. The glee on Bear’s face that finally, finally the girl would launch but, and a big but (after checking for leaks) that the engine would turn…. Fingers crossed. I was confident when I clapped eyes on the girl ready in the crane and looking ready for action.
At exactly one thirty the lovely yard men came and Lindsay took the controls. Then came the hands behind back (nervy clasp of the captain), the very pose I have seen each time the girl has been lifted or launched. Quite a way through the yard, along the road but soon she was nearing the wet stuff, a thumbs up from Mario. Ivan was hand ready. How cool, as Lindsay and Mario looked on, Bear stepped aboard, I followed and Ivan soon after. Careful checks and no sooner than the battery was attached the girl purred into life at the first try. Some gentle and slight alterations and Ivan gave us the go ahead to be on our way. Out of the loading bay I idled to let Bear get ropes and fenders ready.
I looked to our left to see if I could see Jazz’s clients and got an eyeful of naked-as-a-jay-bird-man……Oh my. Sadly, by the time I got the camera in hand his bits were conveniently hidden by the fencing but he had been joined by his other half. I was given the thumbs up, Bear unaware that I had been enjoying a ‘show’ and off we went. Such a short journey but I for one was very pleased to see Beez outside on the dock.
Friday the 18th. After breakfast Bear did tile prep then cut and shaped the plastic edging in readiness for Monday when we get stuck in to finishing the garden shower. I started to paint the drive but first weighed four gram measures of ‘niblets’ and folded them into pieces of kitchen towel. Each pouch was to sprinkle over the wet paint in a two feet by one sections. Bear completed his task, I finished all the right side (looking from the front door) and a two foot strip on the left leaving a ‘path’ for access. In the evening Davin bought us all (Lucy and Tim – next door but one joined the party) an Indian take away. Kirk came later to chat and enjoy a glass or two of wine on his final evening. Time for a final wake boarding on the morrow and a photo-op for me. Saturday the 19th. Wonderful to see how Sarah has improved, easily crossing the wake with cheeky little jumps. Veronica has come on tremendously. My favourite – Kirk seen in silhouette. After breakfast I wanted to finish the drive. We stopped to say ‘farewell’ to Kirk who popped in briefly. At eleven we said our farewells to Sarah, Veronica and Davin who has chartered a catamaran for a week or two. Jen, his other half flies in tomorrow. They may swing by Jolly nearer to Christmas for a get together. I ran out of paint with just four by three feet left to do in front of the door. Growling. After showers we had a great catch-up with Bird and Miffy. Quite a week comes to a close. ALL IN ALL A BUSY AND PRODUCTIVE WEEK WITH FUN TOO GREAT TO BE BACK IN THE WATER |