La Loberia

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 11 Apr 2013 22:37
Our Visit to La Loberia
BB Loberia 017  BB Loberia 018  BB Loberia 021  BB Loberia 032
BF Loberia 032  BF Loberia 046
We took a taxi to La Loberia, a beach beyond the airport. We expected to see sea lions as we do everywhere.
BF Loberia 047  BF Loberia 048
These little men jump on the sea lions to pick off the flies, useful friends.
BF Loberia 050  BF Loberia 052
BB Loberia 024
Marine iguanas, rocks and sea – no bets there then. So we followed the track beyond the beach and scrambled over the rocks for over an hour to see what we could find.

BF Loberia 045  BF Loberia 026  BF Loberia 079  BF Loberia 022

En route the surf was wild and beautiful and worthy of its own blog.
BF Loberia 073  BF Loberia 077  BF Loberia 100
As we neared the cliffs we could see and hear the screeching birds.
BB Loberia 065  BB Loberia 068 
BF Loberia 152  BF Loberia 153  BF Loberia 151
When we got to the top we were above the soaring sea birds.
BF Loberia 163  BF Loberia 165  BF Loberia 209 
BF Loberia 108  BF Loberia 116
Our first Swallow-tailed Gull. The only nocturnal gull hunter – huge eyes to find baby squid and fish. These gulls are endemic to the islands, they breed in a nine to ten month cycle and are found in large colonies.
 BF Loberia 214  BF Loberia 215
Time to catch some Zzzzzzzzzzzz.
BF Loberia 114  BF Loberia 111  BF Loberia 213
Delicate patterning on this little chap.
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BF Loberia 197  BF Loberia 202
High on the cliff face gulls and boobies, down in the battering surf, sea turtles.
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BB Loberia 054  BB Loberia 055
Way up here we find a tiny fellow.
BF Loberia 199
My brave captain, dry mouthed, unable to speak but still able to smile.
BF Loberia 172  BF Loberia 120  BF Loberia 219
BF Loberia 162
BF Loberia 126  BF Loberia 128  BF Loberia 127
Much as we having fun, time to get going, seeing so much, including little one leg.
We had just over an hour to get back to the yellow arrow.
BF Loberia 226  BF Loberia 227  BF Loberia 225
What was this little chap watching so intently
BF Loberia 239
BF Loberia 220  BF Loberia 224
Our last chap of the day before we fell thankfully into the waiting taxi.
                     INCLUDING THE CLIFF EDGE
                          YES, IT WAS WORTH IT BUT NOT TO BE REPEATED
                           TILL THE NEXT TIME, SWEETIE