Busy Shop

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 1 Mar 2017 23:57
A Busy Shop and a Whirlwind Experience
Bear needed a couple of odd bits and bobs, this was explained to the lovely ladies in the office who called a taxi. They told Ahmed exactly what we needed (sounded wild to our untrained ears), plenty of nodding from our trusty driver and off we set. OH MY, nothing could have prepared us for the shop we entered. Ahmed came in with us and the speedy and dynamic shopkeeper had a line of Bears needs in seconds.
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We had moments to take in the rest of the emporium as this fire-cracker took more instructions from Ahmed. Done and dusted in four minutes, we both walked out carrier bags in hand. The good lady knew where every, and we mean every nut and bolt could be located. Truly awesome.
                     A GREAT ARKWRIGHT SHOP