A Lovely Surprise

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 27 Jan 2012 23:47
A Lovely Surprise and Ready
For The Off
We got back from Savannah, as
Bear came back from the shower the chap in the office presented him with this
newspaper clipping. Apparently a catamaran pulled onto the dock in front of us,
found we were not at home and left it for us in the office. How very kind. The
photographer – Jonathan Dyer – of the Beaufort (Bew-foot) Gazette, had taken
this picture as we ambled along the Beaufort River, about the time I was taking
a picture of the hospital on our right. Sadly the clipping had been folded
several times, I have emailed Jonathan and asked for a copy, but no reply in
time before we leave Thunderbolt in the morning after our cup of tea and
doughnuts. How very kind of the catamaran to make such an effort for us – Thank
You – we wish we knew your names and hope to meet “y’all down the
We have enjoyed our time in Thunderbolt Marina, rubbed shoulders with crew from some
very big girls who use the boatyard facilities here that includes a huge indoor
During our week here we have
been to Savannah a couple of times, bimbled locally, thrilled to see a resident
of Thunderbolt has a mini – currently undergoing
renovation and obviously played games. One such goliath battle over the Upword board caused Bear a few problems, but when he showed me his, my letters weren’t so hot.
We have learned here from the
notice board that the State law restricts living aboard any vessel is limited to
thirty days in any one year. Many of the anchorages in Florida have been turned
into moorings only. In South Carolina there are drink sail rules. Penalties
include a fine of up to $6,000 and three years in prison. Boating stopped for up
to two years and going on an Alcohol and Drug Safety Action course. Felony BUI
(boating under the influence) carries penalties of up to $25,000 and twenty five
years in prison. We welcome all the rules and regulations, but so wish each
State had the same. Bear has to telephone the Homeland Security each time we
move port areas, some States ring each time we move and some don’t know why we
are ringing. I heard one end of the conversation that the officer at the other
end was obviously asking Bear where we were, well we are
in a little creek, on the river, near the town........... I just
giggled. Bear always asks who he is speaking to so he can write it in the log.
Would love to meet ‘Diggers’. We have met boats that don’t bother with a
Cruising Permit and certainly loads of foreign flagged vessels that have no idea
what we are talking about “checking in”. Oh well the wonders and mysteries of
Chores done its off on the
morrow to continue goin’ south.
Beez waiting quietly for the off – actually on the ICW. We will fall off the pontoon backwards, a quick handbrake turn and be facing the right way. Marvelous. ALL IN ALL THRILLED THAT BEEZ NEEZ HAS BEEN IN A