Villa Week 38 - No great progress

Week Thirty-Eight at Sleeping Indian
Sunday the 6th. Super duper eggs as per normale, with a tiny event for Bear….. Laundry and pottering. Lovely catch up with Bird. I messed about in family trees, so many new hints to go through, some good. A possible death certificate for my mum’s maternal grandmother – only been searching Mary Ann for thirty five years……
Little camera definitely dying, colour and focus going silly and when I switch it on it automatically shoots down to telephoto…..growling. Not good images of Bear with his roast pork and all the trimmings….. Monday the 7th. Half six this morning we saw a lovely scene – tranquil water and a rainbow. After breakfast I set about housework and after lunch get down to regrouting the kitchen.
Bear settled to cutting tiles for outside the garden shower tray.
Tuesday the 8th. We went to see The Bee who from the outside looked quite nice but is sporting a hole in her ‘bottom’.
Our ‘Little Chap’ is taking his guard duty very seriously and Bear looked the picture of ‘skipperdom’. Wednesday the 9th. Miffy sent me Emma’s mum’s death certificate (Mary Ann) – yay it is her, sadly died at forty-four of TB but no help other than an address in Great Yarmouth. Still no clue what happened to Emma after she lost both parents as a baby. Bear helped me by scraping the old grout from the utility room and downstairs toilet and it was very satisfying to complete the job. A gentle sunset, still not used to it being dark by six. Thursday the 10th. Shopping day began with a quick visit to Beez for me to measure up for new mats, her engine is out for its ‘oliday. Hoping to see all put back together early next week. The usual mad dash round loads of shops and late afternoon we had a call from Lady Ronnie to say The Alien, her husband and children have done a runner to Canada never to return. All I can say is ‘innocent people do not run’…..
After the shopping was stowed we set about making a bit of a Christmas sparkle – silly me, the lights on the stairs were not plugged in……….
Friday the 11th. Marlon came and spent the day making a lovely sharp edge along each side of the drive (I so did not like the ‘mouse-chewed’ edges). We pottered and helped covering the cement during frequent downpours. Jamie and Princess came at four. We met this lovely couple in Madagascar and have not seen them since South Africa and spent a great evening catching up. Saturday the 12th. The first time we have woken to flat water in ages, on with jobs until Jamie and Princess popped in for a chat. Somehow the day passed so quickly. Great video call from Miffy which ended in some good fun ragging and lots of laughter. ALL IN ALL NOT TO MUCH TO SHOW…. FRUSTRATINGLY SLOW BUT MORE RELAXING |