Villa Week 28 - Finishing Upstairs

Week Twenty-Eight at Sleeping Indian
Sunday the 27th. We both woke feeling really drained and exhausted. We voted for a day off, but before we settled to watching episodes and resting Bear went to produce perfect eggs with my very own personal events. The joy sheer joy of popping their lids to find runny yokes never gets old. Bear’s egg events were monumental. We spent the evening researching bits and bobs with mental site meetings about Beez. The more we think about her the more we do not want her left in non-sea-readiness.
Monday the 28th. Sat up in bed enjoying my carrot and ‘fibreglass’, the video-call sounded. Our PDA (Personal Decorative Advisor) and her beautiful assistant were ready to test drive three-piece suites for number 40. Since Chris and Steve have been looking after the apartment they have been holed up with deck chairs and a bit of excess carpet…… Time to put that right. Our first job on return to the UK was to order a suite and then get the floor sanded whilst awaiting delivery – Covid got in the way of that particular plan. We had researched and narrowed the list to five choices and within minutes our wonderful friends had whittled it to two. Watching them pad back and forth across the shop, fully masked was a real treat but the real laugh came with the reclining business. Steve went first, close-up of his southerly area to watch how the leather rucked or not. Leg length, neck and back support was just like watching Clarkson critique a fast car. Next, our PDA gave the cushions a feel for softness and comfort. Twenty minutes later, choice made off they went. The best laugh we have had in ages. A quick email to request a call back from the company and time for work. I set about the glass block wall between the shower and toilet in our bathroom, second coat after lunch and a loss at backgammon. Growling. Bear got to work building the frame in the utility room for the bi-fold cupboard doors and a panel to hide the water tank.
We went for a late swim and in the shallows Bear found a chap, not sure if he is OK but after his picture he was gently returned to the water. Ahead the sky looked very ominous. As we bobbed about the cloud burst and it rained so very hard the drops bounced up from the sea to about two inches. Nothing like it when you trot from the sea to wrap yourself in a fluffy towel – that is soaking wet and cold, grrrr…. A tiny chink of tepid sunshine but we were treated to a tiny rainbow.
Tuesday the 29th. I shut myself away to razor blade off excess paint and grout. The suite company called and an efficient young man took me through the options, power pack verses cables to make the seats go up and down, eazyglide for moving the chairs and settee more easily, guaranteed Christmas delivery, all done and dusted. Bear carried on in the utility room, water tank panel completed and initial bi-fold fitting done. A very late lunch and yet another loss for me, really growling but you had the cheek to go up in money. Only five dollars and I deserved it…. Huh. We stopped work at half five but so overcast we didn’t go for a dip, especially after yesterday’s soaking. Wednesday the 30th. Bear did the final adjustments to the bi-folds in the utility room then filled and sanded. Ooo what about a new rug and cushions to go with the new suite. Straight onto messenger to ask the PDA to choose. Back came the reply - And in that capacity I can only Advise, to Choose is the next level of responsibility - a PDC, and I don’t have the qualifications for that level! Nothing for it but to type a quick reply. Immediate and unequivocal promotion – PDC… I left our PDC to troll through twenty-six pages of rug choices and got to my chore of the day. Ugh. I was determined to finish that most loathed of jobs – scraping the excess paint and grout from the glass block wall in between the toilet and shower, then doing above the sink and finally a sit-down job scraping each and every bathroom tile (so many had been originally wiped after grouting but not polished). For nearly three days, I can’t call it slogging but everything that aches may protest…..all I had to show was a little pile in the dustpan. A late lunch and a five nil defeat put me right wrong, right wrong I tell you. Deep rumbling growling and the threat if he beats me again there will be painful consequences. Really overcast and a bit windy, we had just decided not to go for a dip so up the ladder I went to add to The Swarm, Bear sitting at the top of the stairs directing and pointing with a skinny piece of wood when we had a video call from Miff. Spicy chicken and salad with a few episodes of Valhalla Murders and we are half way through the week.
Thursday the 1st of October. What weather. We were woken early to a real blow and heavy rain, falling unusually from right to left as we looked over The Fairway. The wind was sufficient to set little white horses over the water. All week I have been trying to spray the bedroom mirrors. Oh well, you’ll just have to finish the gloss-work instead. Thank you for that…. I started on the dinks on the upstairs doors that the terrible Mr. Painter had left. The two pink valances for the front bedroom arrived so I pressed them and Bear helped me lift the top mattresses and put them in place. Not quite a cerise pink but better than the grey. We spent some time getting new bedroom pictures and one of the shower room. Bear carried on the utility room, then glued in place a triangular shaped strip of wood to the gap at the top of the stairs by our room, filled and sanded ready for me to paint tomorrow. Then he trimmed and glued a piece of tile edging to the front of the top of the stairs for the same reason. Friday the 2nd. I began the day by sending new front bedroom pictures to Shana for the villa website then top coated above the mirror doors in our room. Bear came up to report that the utility provider wanted to dig a two-foot trench across the front of the garden. I groaned as it is yet another step backward. I needed a ‘happy job’ for sure, so the rest of the 196 new friends joined The Swarm bringing the total to 411. Then I rode my brush very quickly in the utility room. Bear stopped what he was doing to remove bits of coral, shells and chippings in readiness. The Crown of Thorns cactus had to be moved to a pot temporarily but the hibiscus was OK. The digging man promised to pile the earth on the road as not to upset the rest of the garden. Lord Ron popped in post cataract ops that he had done on St. Martin, and although one eye is very red due to a cut vein (will take a week or two to absorb) his colour vision “is amazing”. I masked ready to paint the last bit of skirting board and the inset Bear had glued yesterday. We did a silly job together – hanging the ‘thingy’ that holds the iron and ironing board. I chose the front bedroom cupboard as it is near a socket and means the utility room won’t be so cramped for space. Lunch and a five three defeat – that’s five on the trot which soured my mood….. so I began a spray coat on the first of the bi-fold doors that will become the cupboard front to hide all the pipes and water equipment. Bear nipped to the supermarket to leave the building while the Mrs. ‘is on one’….. We wrote some lists and came over all slack. I did prawn and avocado (Gwapo chose a beauty) salad and more episodes of 13 Commandments.
Saturday the 3rd. A wild change, Bear suggested eggs. I usually wake up full after our Indian takeaway so why not have them today instead of tomorrow. Oooo big step but I was game. One medium, one huge and one small were soon being delivered by my man and chief egg chef. Perfect. Bear had super events and a tiny chap.
After our later than usual start, I spent hours painting each louvre over the quick spray coat. Bear was quite impressed although I can’t say I was. You have to remember it’s for the utility room, it looks clean and much brighter than the blue. OK, good point. I will need to do a quick lick over the first gloss coat. When I woke in the night I came up with a cunning plan. The two support posts for the patio hurricane shutter are currently standing to the side and to the left of the ‘Big Boy’ washing machine and I’m worried he will get scratched or worse dented when, if a storm is coming, the supports will be grabbed in a rush. This morning after our eggs, I drew a design and Bear modified it. Whilst I was at my painting chore, my carpenter mate got down to making a foot box that will be fixed behind the utility room door, and nearer the top of the posts there will be little safety belts keeping them in place. Late afternoon I was presented with the smartly produced piece of kit, tacky from his primer coat. We settled to watch some episodes of Unit 42 and had a party – a drink and some snacks – no takeaway, Oooo we’ll have it tomorrow night. Somehow our common practices have gone a little awry today…. In Other News. There are six active cases of Covi-19 on the island. Beez has a launch date of the 24th of November We have a Visa extension appointment in six days time. ALL IN ALL CANNOT BELIEVE HOW FAST THE WEEK HAS FLOWN BY REALLY FEELS LIKE WE ARE GETTING THERE |