Final CB, Hellville and RB

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 19 Oct 2019 23:57
Crater Bay, Hellvile and Russian Bay – Final Visits
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On Monday the 14th Bear’s cold had really taken hold so he had a slack day in bed watching Deal Team – love the Sonny one-liners, I sat beside him and blogged with the occasional foray into audiobook and music sorting which feeds the bit of OCD in me. Tuesday the 15th after lunch Bear managed to raise himself up enough to go over and see Vince for a cuppa but was soon back to finishing Seal Team season two and beginning the excellent Blindspot. Wednesday the 16th we wandered up to the village after lunch. The bank ATM flashed red but a few minutes later the green light came on – some nice person on the other side must have been filling it. A little too early for the rum shop opening at three, we stopped at a pretty bar / B+B for a drink. I loved the dragonfly lamp in the corner. A chap from the kitchen bimbled through and wished us a good day, face covered in tattoos, a first for us in Madagascar.
Our bottles being filled at the rum shop (a pound a litre).
A pretty sunset this evening.
Thursday the 17th. We headed back to Hellville (five miles) with Canace, a day ahead of Slow Flight (little bits and bobs to finish their new battery installation) so we can deliver our gas bottles to be filled and ready for tomorrow.
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A big girls called Kyrenia was just outside the anchorage. Bear and Kevin set off with gas cylinders, I settled to housework.
Friday the 18th. Check out day YAY. The banana seller was at the back of the girl by 06:15 and Bear paid a pound for the biggest bunch. Slow Flight came in to anchor. At ten we picked Kevin and Irma up as Trevor and Kimi zoomed up in their dinghy and off we went. Usual chaos ashore but we saw Kool in the crowd who tied off the dinghies. Kool helped us locate a taxi van and off we went for the final time to Leader Price. A couple of hours later, back to boats with shopping and ten minutes later we were ashore in the police hut handing over our Passports. The Harbourmaster was closed for lunch so we began to bimble up the hill, Irma knew of a rooftop eatery-cum-backpackers place and led the way. Half way there and I had a blowout on my left flip flop. Irma kindly gave me hers as her feet are up to the boiling pavements.
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Sadly, the rooftop eatery was closed for a months renovations, so after a quick stop on the corner for new, two pound flip flops it was off to Nadipos for lunch. The sailing six celebrated with a beer, ate well and felt ready for officialdom. It was decided Bear, Irma and Trevor would go to the Harbourmaster and then pick up our Passports while Kimi, Kevin and I hit the market for Des’s rice and honey (our fantastic weather advisor), pick up our LPG bottles and tuktuk down to meet the rest.
A rather handsome, all-black beast who turned his head just as I took his picture.
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Kimi taking rice selection seriously. Ten pence for a heaped Nestle’s condensed milk tin. We had word from Honey River that Des’s honey supply was running low so just in case I bought three litres and Kimi one and a half. Then a quick stop in Shampion for Kevin to get some batteries, round the corner for the LPG’s and in a tuktuk to meet the rest conveniently waiting for us in a bar by the docks.
By the time we approached Beez it was dusk, gorgeous soft pinks.
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Our final Hellville sunset. A quiet evening putting the last of the supplies away and we are finally ready to begin our little hops down the coast to Baly Bay – our jumping off spot to cross the Mozambique Channel.
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Saturday the 19th. At ten we left the anchorage for the last time. A bright, windless morning for our first hop to Russian Bay.
The rusty but serviceable medial ship called El Paso was having a lay in as we passed by.
A local with a remarkably good mainsail. Slow Flight were not to far behind us when Bear saw them swing about on the spot, he messaged as he was concerned but the cheery reply was that Kimi and Trevor were having a one-to-one with a whale shark. Lucky them indeed.
We anchored not too far from Serafina, Fred and Maria had come over yesterday as they had finished their check out and wanted an extra in Russian Bay. Slow Flight came in soon after, my that’s a fast lady. Kimi and Trevor popped over and the time of seven in the morning to leave for our quick stop around the corner to see lemurs before going on to the Honey River. So love it when a plan comes together.
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Early evening and several rally boats came in having completed the yearly race from Crater Bay and then the soca music began. Oh dear. I enjoyed sitting on the stern platform watching these unusual fish. They are perfectly capably of swimming upright to choose to charge around at speed on their sides. Mmmm. Time for a game or two before showers and supper. 
                      AT LAST GETTING READY FOR THE OFF