Banda Amble 1

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Mon 1 Aug 2016 22:27
Banda Amble – Well Our Second Bimble Really, Part One
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Finding we had an hour before the fort opened at ten we went in search of the cemeteries and bimbled the other end of town.
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Yesteryear glory, but not today.
Bear was particularly taken with this house.
Pretty flower.
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Chickens everywhere.
Smoke poured from the corner of this house, not sure if the sports bag is drying but the clothes on the roof are going to smell very smoky very soon.
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A couple of alleys for a change.
Mother-in-laws-tongue border this property.
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We thought this silvereye was shy until he popped out with his find.
Suddenly we saw Beez Neez (on the right).
I know I said I would never take another hibiscus picture but this was a lovely splash of colour.
We hope this chap gets home without decapitating anyone.
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Monday seems to be wash day the world over.
Very typical street.
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Then we saw two immaculate houses.
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A new build. A monument to nutmeg outside the rear of the mosque. Daily recordings are played from tapes by the call to prayer is done by a real person. Indonesia has the world's largest population of Muslims.

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The House of Christopher Cole who ‘took’ Fort Belgica in 1810 without ever firing a shot.
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Mace and nutmeg drying, oh and an unexpected ex-practice ring.