Beez to 28/05/2019

Beez to the 28th of May
2019 ![]() Tuesday
the 28th of May. Six
thirty this morning I leapt up and went to see Baby Beez. She had small waves at the front and it took twenty minutes
to bale her out. Windy and a little rolly. I spent the rest of the morning doing
a bit of washing, cleaned the toilet and a couple of blogs (my total sent from
here – twenty-seven, only about a hundred to do......mmmm). In the two weeks I
have been here I have totted up twenty-eight, still about a hundred behind but
that’s the way it
We thought it had rained itself out yesterday and this morning the sky looked quite nice. No sooner than the last bit of washing was out courtesy of Mr Woo than it poured, washing in, rain stopped, so frustrating. Looking out this afternoon the sky was blue but waves kept breaking over the least we could see the island. This afternoon Bear went ashore for a final bit of shopping, bread, eggs, carrots and a few potatoes. I stayed in to do final credit card, banking and domestic stuff in readiness for leaving on the morrow, it has been marvellous having such good internet. So pleased when Bear managed to scramble aboard from the side, Baby Beez was lifted and secured and I had printed our Chagos Permit. ![]() This evening we actually had a sunset but still the wind gusts. Must say, in all the time we have been here not a single mosquito – how good is that. In bed watching an old New Tricks and the mobile went. Nasru rang at 23:00, just checking in and making sure we will only leave if the weather is right. We will miss this community especially Nasru who has been an absolute diamond. ALL IN ALL GOING TO MISS THESE