Chenal du Four

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 15 Jul 2008 10:22
They say if you time it right the passage is easy down the notorious Chenal du Four and Raz de Sein. Sunday the thirteenth seemed a good date to us.
We left L'Abewrac'h at high water Brest minus three against a foul tide, to be abeam Le Four at high water Brest (slack water); off La Forumi buoy at high water Brest plus two and entering
the Raz at high water Brest plus five as the stream goes slack. The last ten miles would then be against a weak foul stream. Anchoring in Ste Evette can be done easily at any time.    
We left L'Aberwrac'h at ten past ten, this is skipper at Le Four at one o'clock.
The Joseph Soar (ex RNLI) - passed us (we have seen him before in Fowey and St Peter Port), us half way along the Chenal and me at the end, before the Raz turn. Note flat calm water.
I make this sound so easy, it is a passage that needs careful consideration and utmost respect. If you don't use this route it is a fifteen mile seaward route round the Chaussee de Sein.
La Plate marks the turn at the end of the Raz (pronounced Rarh) de Sein. Pictured with La Vielle, and La Vielle on her own (that's the famous photo seen with thirty foot waves-real or not??).
Skipper with the Raz behind us, being as little as an hour early/late here can make for a turbulent time. Now just another ten miles or so to Ste Evette.
Arrived and anchored in Ste Evette at five to nine. We were told the next day there had been ninety-three boats at anchor or on visitors buoys, all gone when we woke.
Two or three days here to explore Audierne and check the Azores high is in place before BISCAY (der, der, der, the big crossing !!! infamous or friendly, report to follow)