Beez to 13/01/19

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 13 Jan 2019 23:57
Beez to 13th of January
![]() Monday the 7th. Bear began the compressor service which he completed on Wednesday. May
I say, Sir a wonderful job too. (So hope to sell). I leapt up and did the
washing. Bear had a small catosh, a diddy bottle of red
exploded in my case and although it was in a plastic bag, errr......
as he held up a pile of stuff he hadn’t actually worn. I had left it all soaking
overnight, in fact got up in the middle of the night to change the water. All
well, but you better let me win at backgammon after lunch. Growl. Don’t you growl at fact this
incident happened after he unpacked from Hong Kong and I kept quiet in last
weeks blog, but as he has beaten me each time we’ve played MT Dominoes I feel I
will expose him. Very upsetting, I didn’t want to be
exposed. Tough. I have taken up stomping again and off I went,
meeting Bear at the pool around four.
![]() ![]() ![]() Tuesday the 8th. I came to the sad
realisation I cannot justify the cost of having all new teeth when we get to
India, a long held dream, definitely a first world problem and I count the
hundreds of blessings I have. With that in mind though, I asked Mrs Chew at my
Sunday filling slot what could be done about my upper gaps (one each side),
within minutes this speedy little Chinese lady (fluent in Mandarin, English,
Malaysian and with more than an average grasp of Thai and Cantonese) had drawn
me a diagram of crowns and bridges. “When do you want to start, you need two
two-hour visits and two one-hour visits ten days apart”. Here I am. We caught
the eight forty-five ferry, found Mr Din waiting (yes, another dodgy car with a
non-functioning front passenger door – at least this one
has a robust gear stick whereas the last one came off in my hand)
and there I was sitting mouth open for an hour and a half with more “please
rinse” than a dentist’s chair should have to deal with. Bear spent this time
researching touring the hinterland of Sri Lanka and was very excited when I
emerged, we can go miles on the train for five dollars
and sit like a local with our feet dangling, I feel a plan coming
together Colonel Hannibal Smith. We stopped at a very interesting shop that can do anything with plastic, even display cases for model
mosquitoes but cannot print biros. That done we went to get some salad
bits and found a new Japanese pound shop where we bought little bits for
Sleeping Indian. No delaying, back to Beez, and in the pool by
Wednesday the 9th. Bear finished the
compressor, as above. I did all the application malarkey for our Sri Lankan
E-Visas and cantered about on the hoover, enjoying the simple pleasure of
housework. Yes, indeed, there is that little pink job to accomplish each
![]() Thursday the 10th. Bear unwrapped
The Beast in the Cockpit (the new autopilot)
and immediately needed a cup of tea. While that was going on I started the
process of finding a new insurer as ours will not cover us from the top of
Madagascar until we get to Richards Bay, South Africa.
![]() Tea enjoyed, Bear didn’t feel like
saddling himself up for the Beast so I took the opportunity of pinning him down
to draw up a Plan In Sand. I gulped and needed a
stiff drink as I stared at our final leg of a month at sea or saying three
thousand, nine hundred miles crossing the Atlantic in a quick burst..........
take a breath and mmmm. OK, bring it on. I had always wanted to ‘Close the
Circle’ in Trinidad but agree with Bear that to end in the only place in the
world we have left a little piece of our hearts........ has to be.
![]() ![]() Friday the 11th. This morning it was
time to strip all our gear from the office for Bear to begin fitting the Beast. Normally when he works in the
office we put everything on our bed and return it later in the day but I need the office for several days. OK then, we
will post it about the place. First, four cases and a huge holdall on wheels
(full of stuff for Sleeping Indian), baskets of crisps and small food boxes were
wiggled in place in the en suite. Quite comical now
as spending a penny involves moulding into the same shape to fit in like a
jigsaw piece. Bear began rummaging in his
![]() ![]() The office.swung into action at the same
time the dining table has become a fully functioning
office and Bear can lean on boxes that wouldn’t fit in the en
![]() ![]() Saturday the 12th. Bear settled in the office, not sure why he gets all the
laying down jobs eh.......or why is it I am always
accused of lying down on the job. Don’t get smart with me........ I
settled to the job of applying for our Indian Visas and didn’t come up for air
until half past two. Time to stomp and get to the pool but lunch and bits
happened and we finally made the water by five. One of the bits was producing
fifty crew lists as it seems all the authorities we will meet this year want
five or six each......
![]() Sunday the 13th. The plan, just as well they are written in sand as it
happens. Mmmm, was to have eggs in bed with an episode of NCIS New
Orleans and hit the pool around one because it’s Sunday. Mmmmm. I set about
writing this blog and suddenly a message blinked across Bear’s IPad from a
sailing friend. To cut a long story short I emailed an agent in the Maldives and
several to and fro and now we have all the entry paperwork needed to fill out
before stopping for our fuel stop in Gan. It’s now a quarter to three and here I
am. The however happened at half past eleven when Heaven in
Egg Cups were delivered. No egg events and as we
only had six eggs left we have three each. No complaints from me.
Bear did some bolting down in the office and somehow it was pushing five
Sweet and sour chicken for supper,
God is in His heaven and all is well with the world. Tomorrow, well that will be
another admin, dentist and sorting week beginning.........and so it goes on.
Maybe, just maybe looking forward to getting out to sea. Totally agree, I can smell it. I’ll stick to feeling it in my bones.