A Bimble with Larry and Zuko

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 11 Jan 2020 23:47
A Bimble with Larry and Zuko
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Late afternoon Larry invited me to join him for a bimble with Zuko. Down the street we crossed a small car park and saw these two chaps trotting along, they did stop to pose as soon as they got to the far side - (pangolins).
We crossed the railway track at the place where people have stepped since the line was laid, on the wooden sleepers between the rails. Looking right Larry said the “eyesore bridge” is never used.
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Larry pointed to a tree and I zoomed in as far as I could hand-held and saw a mum preening on her nest. “Don’t worry, we’ll get a lot closer for a better look”. What a marvelous start.
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We did indeed get closer and we enjoyed watching this attentive mum (heron).
I’ll take no more hibiscus”, how many times have I said that since leaving the Caribbean....... Oh well, it is a splendid red.
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The road took us to the shallow end of the river where I could enjoy this egret scruffing about.
Roosting time as we carried on, Zuko sniffing everything.
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Down a road I saw a house that I though both stark and attractive at the same time. Larry pointed left to a darling little church.
This was the church that Larry and Marlo wed in 1983. The main door stays put but each side the panels can be raised so the overflow congregation can sit on the benches (to the left). There we sat and chatted.
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Flowers in the churchyard and a big chap about his work.
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We would bimble a square, on the third side we saw more nest activity.
In fact, there were three nests and this matriarch stood watch.
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This was to be a sunbird but Zuko saw to that and this chap was so much closer until....yep, Zuko saw to that too.
Loved the message on this car.......
Zuko met a cat completely indifferent to his gentle “hello”.
Back for a braai and of course a whole cow went on the grill.......
                     STUNNING PICTURES