Motu One

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 30 Jul 2013 22:57
A Visit to Motu One
We spuddled across the lagoon exactly
one mile to reach Motu One, pronounced Onay – just
visible from Beez.
As we got closer we could see this
motu was a low relief sandbar.
Very different landing Baby Beez on
soft sand. Our first motu Tuitui we had landed on millions of pieces of hard
coral skeletons, here just handfuls sprinkled about the place. Looking right we could see the edge of Tubuai and the way
we had come into the island. Looking left we could see the rock shelf and in the
distance more established motu with trees.
Quite a special
circum-ped, cloud and sea watching.
Incredible colours.
Behind us, looking seaward, the Pacific
was calm, not the raging waves we had on Tuitui.
The flat rock
shelf extended halfway on the eastern side, worn by shells, sand and
To the west, just
sand with bits of coral showing.
In the centre, two
pools with evidence around of chaps nearby.
Hundreds of tiny
chaps in fancy houses.
The hermit crabs have clearly done
better than the plants, the few firs were burnt to a crisp. The rows of coconuts had taken root but were struggling. The
Coca Cola can markers had the expiry date of December 2013 giving some clue as
to when they had been set.
Mount Hanareho known as the Laying Man, at thirteen hundred feet and semicircular in shape, shows the volcanic origins of Tubuai last active about nine million year ago. On our way back across the beautiful blue water, Bear suggested walking to the
next village, but the approaching squall was clear to
Just as well we went home as half an
hour later Mount Hanareho disappeared and it
And did it
rain, hopefully clearing the skies for us to leave tomorrow.