Day 7 to Fiji

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 2 Jun 2015 12:00
Very Exciting Bits and
![]() ![]() ![]() My Zeddy
Bear. Take your glasses off, no I’m not going to
sleep. Yeahhhh right.
![]() ![]() Bear checked the engine and found one
of the injector feed pipe connecters gently squidging diesel, a mucky business
in the collection tray that he drained. Tightening the naughty nuts the said
injector ‘bit’ him – our first bruise or wound this
whole trip....... Talking about bites, my encounter
with the white-tailed spider was three weeks ago today. I still sport quite a
hole but the good news is no more pain in my armpit or up into my neck. I put
yesterdays blog on then set about the veg business. Settled in the cockpit,
potatoes, carrots, swede and pumpkin were given the once over. Later,
the captain settled to steak and kidney stew and
must have enjoyed it as he let me win five one and pull back some of my lost
dollars. Huh, the stew was gorgeous but I felt no desire
to ‘let’ you win. Anyhoo.
At seven thirty I asked permission to
go for a tinkle – polite, as I was on watch. Oh, the sea
was so nice I left handle up. Ooo, my eyebrows shot up but I said
nothing as I watched Beez nose - not only going up and down but some sharp
swings to the left. Mmmm. It is our usual habit to close the toilet inlet pipe
and leave only a few spoonful's of water in the bottom of the pan. When we need
to, we open the tiny cupboard outside in the bedroom, lift the handle, use,
flush and close said handle, pump out to the said spoonful’s once more. I saw a
couple of cupful’s when I opened the lid and rather than go against the skippers
wish I left said handle in the upright position but did pump out to the few
spoonful’s, knowing that I would be going to bed at ten. Ten o’clock came and
down I went, opened the lid and my, oh my the water was flush with the top of
the toilet, Beez did a quick buck left and I was pumping like a demented first
mate. Fifteen minutes later I went to report. Oh I’ll
let you have an extra ten minutes in bed then. Furious......... have
you ever seen anyone run at a captain brandishing a toilet pump handle.
Bear has.
Steady Bear, Steady.
Overnight we both ended up
motor-sailing in some very strange currents. I had a void followed by quite a
squall ending up with a bit of a detour to the left.
![]() I missed this
mornings sunrise – it happened after I had gone to bed. Bed was quite a
laugh as I started like a starfish and took off, just the once.
![]() ![]() I jumped up at ten very excited to
finish the final few lines of the back of my cardy,
beautifully modeled by my assistant. Shouldn’t that be modeled by my beautiful assistant.
Noon summary: Slow for
the available wind but very peaceful.
position: 21:19.20 South and 178:05.10 East
Noon to
Noon: 132 nautical miles
Covered: 902 nautical miles
Miles to
Go: 282 nautical miles.
![]() ![]() The best treat was
the Fijian flag ceremony. Wow.