The Crabs of Lanzarote - Jameos del Agua to be
These chaps have got their own blog because there are so many
nuts out there who study them. They are unique. If you go on-line and type in
Munidopsis Polymorpha, hundreds of studies from dribbling professors appear.
They really do need to get a life and get out more, but not with other
I am a cancerian and am a self confessed addict when it comes
to crabs, I have one tattooed on my right thigh, for heavens sake, that measures
4" x 3". I don't personally eat them, I don't mind people who do. I know
how to cook them and I serve them regularly to my skipper as per previous blogs.
I appreciate them for their comedic charm, feisty character, sideways scuttling
and one of my lifelong ambitions is to go to Christmas Island at migration
time to see thousands of Red Land Crabs race to the sea to "shake their booty
down", opening their carapace in the sea to release hundreds of eggs, before
trotting back to the forest.
If you ask me to picture a crab I will come up with one of the

A Stone Crab. A
Mud Crab even a 14 pound King Crab, but NOT a Blind Cave Crab that measures about the size of
I belong to Genus:
Homo Species: Sapien
- Just take a look at these chaps.
Subregnum: Metazoa
Superphylum: Bilateria: Prostomia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Classis: Malacostraca
Subclassis: Eumalacostraca
Superordo: Eucarida
Ordo: Decapoda
Subordo: Pleocyemata
Infraordo: Anomura
Superfamilia: Galatheoidea
Familia: Galatheidae
Genus: Munidopsis
Species: Munidopsis polymorpha
Conclusion: If they were 10 feet across I could accept it, but 10mm
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus they are hardly the Viggo
Mortensen / Brad Pitt of the crab world.
The galatheid Munidopsis Polymorpha Koelbel, 1892, is found at
high population density in an anchialine pool (Jameos del Agua) on Lanzarote.
Ovigerous females on an average carry 1-4 eggs. Larval development is advanced.
Only 2 zoeal stages, which are unable to undergo locomotion, precede molt to a
small crab. Munidopsis polymorpha is not preyed upon in the Jameos del Agua.
Population density is regulated less by available food than by the number of
available hiding places for resting phases. Population density is probably
increased by the fact that the highly territorial crabs periodically alternate
in feeding in the same grazing areas and in hiding. The percentage of ovigerous
females and the average number of eggs per female is negatively correlated with
the number of specimens per area. During the years of investigation from
1976-1989, the number of ovigerous females and the average number of eggs per
female have decreased considerably in parts of the pool. Consequently, the
general population density has become drastically reduced. This is attributed to
the construction and opening of the Jameos del Agua for tourism.
The man studied them for 13 years. Dedication or what.

These little chaps are what all the
fuss is about. All the white dots in the last photo I
took in the Jameos del Agua are actually crabs.

Four of them.
All in all an unexpected blog, I feel
better for it. Good to hear