Sleeping Indian Work Week Two

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 5 Jun 2020 23:57
Huge Changes in a Very Busy Week
![]() ![]() Yesterday
was a Bank Holiday but the shortened week had little impact on the massive
amount that the boys completed in their four working days. Early Tuesday the
boys did the final preparations for ‘The Big Pour’ (own blog) and work briefly
came to a halt when The Fish Man visited our dock.
Captain was first in the queue, Bear was next and
chose two fair sized red snapper for supper to go with baked potato and salad.
Next was Bossman. It was lovely to watch the pointing out choices, the weighing
and the money being passed over. That done my excitement grew when the cement
pump truck arrived.
![]() At 12:35 the first chug of cement was
seen and within a hour we had a smooth concrete deck.
Once the shuttering was removed and Captain was happy with the finish the boys
began the ‘clean up’ which took until the middle of the afternoon. We were left
impressed, super pleased and very surprised that we would all be able to potter
about on the new surface on the morrow.
![]() Wednesday. As always the boys arrive
early, cheerful and eager to get on. At eight thirty the deck was a hive of
activity and soon the sun canopy was laying in the sun. Cutie wheeled in a Beez Neez coloured wheelbarrow full of
sand that he promptly sifted and mixed into the mortar that Captain would use to
give a smooth face to the popcorn finish on the lower balcony. Barry White set
up a work station to begin fence post installation.
![]() ![]() Barry fixed the four fence post holders, very neat and much nicer than some of the
‘industrial’ looking ones we have seen about the place. Suddenly we have the
feeling that things are really moving on.
![]() By four o’clock Barry and Cutie were clearing up, the right hand wall (as
we step out) was complete and beautifully smooth.
![]() ![]() The opposite
side and overhang have their prep coat.
It was Bear’s wish to see this area smooth
but I have to say it gives such a fresh and more modern
look. Captain was not happy until I gave my approval – I did, telling him
that he had done an amazing job – met with huge smiles. All three of the boys
are really doing an excellent job. We love their banter, enthusiasm and
![]() ![]() Thursday morning Cutie set off for a
plank of greenwood after he had made up a mix for Captain. Barry White than
acted as assistant to Captain and during a smoothing bit I asked the big man for
a favour. In a flash his ‘big boy’ tools were at the
bottom of the stairs and minutes later three newel posts and the half one
by the bedroom door were beheaded. I could have done that. But......I tried to sound
soothing and gentle.......if you went at the speed of your troweling I may not
have the years left.......oooo you can be so
mean. Just saying. Growling. We
have nice, new chrome newel post caps current on their ‘olidays in
Swindon. Barry White then got down to fitting the fence posts.
![]() ![]() Cutie arrived with the capping rail
and very carefully helped Barry White measure. As Captain continued to smooth
Barry White trimmed the edges and chamfered the first
twelve inches as “I can’t get to them once it is in place each side of the tall
post.” By the end of the day we had the frame ready for the
stainless wires and attachments Bear had shipped from Australia via
![]() Just look at that smooth wall, precision ninety degree angle and sharp corner
cut. Perfect. I watched Captain as he carefully held the spirit level to the
edge, check the angle of his trowel and cut away the excess plaster, wonderful
to observe a craftsman at his work.
![]() ![]() Friday morning saw Cutie plastering
the overhang before he set about tidying the drive.
Captain smoothing – I caught him in action with his
usual laughter and good natured way.
![]() Captain nailed a board in place to
take the weight then set about the rotten bottom of
the car port support.
![]() ![]() The original plan was to chop the
rotten ‘foot’ out and replace with a concrete section but as the next ‘foot’ was
sawn off – Oh Dear. Clearly an old termite nest. I
noticed a new nest in the other post during our hire car week (we don’t normally
bimble past that one) so the decision was taken to replace both....... So for
now we have a mid-air dangle, new but we don’t think
it will catch on as a fashion statement.
![]() Bear made Barry White roar with
laughter when he said I see you brought your toilet with
you. (it holds their water jugs in place on the lorry). Cutie did a
grand job of loading the truck, Barry swept and
Captain took away some of the tools not required anymore. We gave the boys their
six weekend beers and left them to it at two thirty as we shut ourselves in the
bedroom to join the second of the Legendary Family Quizzes organised by nephew