Last Boys

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 13 Apr 2013 22:27
Our Last Blog on the Boys
As we are off in the morning, it was
vitally important to go ashore and find the three
boys. We caught up with them in the warm, safe, shallow
pool under the seal slides, firstly to see how they all were, secondly to
check up on Lambert and lastly to say “farewell”. Lenny was playing in the
water, Lionel was watching over Lambert who has been resting his sore elbow. He
assures us it’s much better and he can now use it without it hurting, but it
aches if he swims too far.
We spoke to The
Life-guard (Albert) about keeping a steely eye on the little ones in our
absence and went to have stern words with the chief, soundo IN the seal
slide on the right.
He sought of
promised to look after our little ones, but we went off to speak to his
Carl just wanted to show us his new wheels.
We gave up with the sleeping masses.
The on-duty
police assured us all would be well for the boys, they
the secretary said she would minute the request and she would see the Order is
carried out to the letter.
showed us a few strokes to reassure us he was fine.
always with the cute face, gave his best smile and blew us a kiss.
Lenny came
to give us a massive hug.
How we will always picture the boys