It's The Off

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 20 Dec 2012 14:15
Time For Beez Neez To Be On
The Move Once More
Our final
sunset in Tortugal Marina
Marina staff pressies, wrapped and tidied -
Oh My a much bigger job – will it ever............. hour or two later – yes, even Bear had doubts though. My only real evidence of a chore done.
Baby Beez new seat cover.
Well it’s finally time to leave. We
pulled in on the 20th of June – very fitting to pull out on the 20th of December
- a very long time to be settled anywhere, so lots to put away and tidy to get
Beez ship shape
Bear has worked very hard and done
masses of chores in preparation for our Pacific crossing, this and our trips
away, time has gone quickly. We have very much
enjoyed our time in Guatemala, met some interesting people, managed to
understand a bit of Spanish and even strung a sentence or two together. The
people here are very lovely and we will always look back fondly on our time here
amongst them.
This morning sees us pull out, do a
few circles to align the new fluxgate compass and head across the Golfete. We
plan to anchor overnight, check out of Livingston on the morrow and all being
well check in to Roatan on Sunday.