Great Lineup

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 10 Nov 2015 23:57
Immigration, Shopping, Chores,
New Flag and Visa Applications
![]() We jumped up this morning and after
breakfast Bear bimbled off to find the Immigration office to complete our log in
to New Caledonia. While he was gone I settled to my list – a very long one. All
the cupboards and lockers are going to be emptied, cleaned and tidied ready for
our inspection by the Australian Quarantine Officer. First item, the savoury tin
locker, soon all our cans were on the floor and the scrubbing sponge was moving
at speed. By the time Bear got back the sea toilet was drying after its going
over. Up until now it has been used as a larder, now empty and shining. We ate
lunch and went out for some shopping. Well, colour me happy, tinned mushrooms –
a base necessity for me to use in so many dishes and stews, we came home
sporting six. I was down to my last three and wondered how I was going to ration
them until we get to Australia. Bear bought himself some olives, bought me some
Parma ham and we treated ourselves to a thin wedge of Comte cheese – the queen
of all cheeses. I beat Bear five nil on the backgammon board and then I
remembered the flag business.
When Bear appeared in the cockpit the
other day with the flags he had three in his paws. I
found this in the New Cal section of the box but it isn’t labelled.
Always a stickler is our captain aboard the good ship Beez Neez. I had
obviously bought the flag and silly me, assumed it had a written label on
it.......... We couldn’t find it in the flag book so rather than drop a gaff,
Bear hoisted the French flag with the yellow ‘Q’ flag. I checked on line and
indeed our mystery flag is the one for New Caledonia. Bear went to take down the
yellow flag and at the same time removed the French one and Beez now proudly
flies this jaunty little number.
The rest of the afternoon sped by.
Next on our target was to sit and fill in the online Visa application for
Australia. I settled on the bed, laptop at the ready, Bear gathered several bits
of information and our Passports. An hour later both our eighteen page forms had
been completed, sent and immediate email receipts received. This is fast turning
into a very successful day. Tasty supper accompanied by our treats, a couple of
episodes of Harry’s Law and night, night all.