Surprise Visitor

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Mon 25 Apr 2016 22:57
RIP Knick-Knocks and a
Surprise Visitor
![]() Another very windy
and squally night, I woke at about three when everything went totally silent,
the wind and water noise simply stopped dead. Mmmm. I had just turned over and
was just dropping off when my friend started snoring, despite his snore ring.
Well, that proves that a roast dinner with a couple of glasses of red does
damage to my night. After a few sharp prods and ‘himself’ turned over, peace was
restored. I tried to settle and .......the wind set up once more, this time with
bit more force, even anger. I reached over the now ‘sleeping like a baby’ for
his IPad – seems he has an App for just about everything, but I’m rather charmed
with this one – Anchor Watch. We sleep at the front
and can hear if anything untoward occurs at the hook end, only twice in our
sixteen years of sailing have we ever put the main machinery on and set the
anchor alarm. Well now we can check as and when we fancy. IPad returned to
position.......could I go off, oh well, I listened to a few chapters of my book
eventually settling at about half five. On waking I regaled my restless night.
I haven’t had red for ages, I’ve been having rose. Guess what, you’re
sticking to rose. Guilt must have tapped the shoulder as I was offered boiled
eggs with my cup of tea. The next bit of the day was quite
![]() ![]() After a thorough good go at my
ablutions I opened my top drawer, there at the pinnacle of the left hand pile
were my very, very favourites. These beauties have
been there for me for at least twenty thousand miles, through storms, a hospital
visit and many a good day, simply the most comfy things in the world. I pulled
them on and my thumb went through the now see-through thin material. Oh dear me,
dear, dear me. I laid them out for a final photograph. Good Lord........... they cover half
the table. Sharp intake of breath. Have you ever seen
anyone spin on the spot with the speed of a cornered tiger. Paint Pepe’s face a
deep shade of threat and menace. I’ll have you know sir, that these Bridget’s
have served me loyally for many a year. It
comes to something in life when you feel compared in equal affection to a pair
of bloomers. What was that. Nothing dear, nothing.
![]() I asked himself to
check a blog and went to put the kettle on, a heavily loaded cappuccino was
needed to steady the now frazzled nerves. I turn round OOOOOOO, himself wearing my now retired knick-knocks. I am going to
get really cross and quite violent now, the need to aid my fist to connect with
something in a bruising fashion has become overwhelming. Time for me to double-load the cappuccino for
The day progressed
badly, I lost four one at backgammon.
![]() The rain stopped and we
watched as a family passed by really slowly, heading
as best as they could into wind. They looked perished and very wet.
![]() Half way through a game
of Upword, we saw a jet ski zooming toward us. The rider called out “Bula” what
a wonderful surprise, Oscar. We had shared a table at
the Coral Resort meke with Oscar and wife, Peta on the 22nd of August last year.
The good man arrived with a map and an invite to use Zen II’s dock as
she is still in Fiji. Lovely to catch up and of course he was made aware of my
troubled morning.
![]() ![]() Nice to see the skippers laughing. “Anyway, think about coming and give
me a ring later”. With that the trusty steed was
![]() ![]() A
quick rev and off our visitor went, the ride would take about twenty minutes. We simply could not get
over the fact that Oscar had come out, in awful conditions, to come and see us.
We had decided to make a stop along the way before leaving the Seaway, so why
not......... We rang and we are moving – for us about an hour up the
![]() ![]() My afternoon progressed as my morning
did with a loss BY TWO at our now finished game of Upword. You trounced me at Mexican train though. The heavens opened and it really poured, big squadgy drops.
Four kite surfers gave it a shot but soon gave in,
no-one could keep their kites up for more than a few minutes in the
all-over-the-place wind.
![]() The rest of the
![]() There was no sunset simply because
there was no sun.......