To Batuva Harbour
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 12 Jul 2015 22:57
To Batuva
At half past ten we left our ‘snug’
in the Ship’s Sound for the seven mile journey – Batuva Harbour. We actually retraced
our path back toward the pass, turned right and
motored by past enormous rocks, for the most part in
fifty feet of water.
I’m rather fond of this Scott-Free shot where she is dwarfed by her
Entering Batuva
Harbour - a natural deep shelter, we snuck left to find shallow water in
a cul-de-sac.
cul-de-sac, definitely to be explored in Baby Beez. We anchored in twenty
one feet.
Scott-Free on the opposite side, [note the bat
caves high up to her right].
After lamb shanks on Beez, we spent
the afternoon chatting. Maj had made a delicious banana
cake and we rationed ourselves to half which was incredibly difficult and
Bear had to sit on his hands....... the other half we sliced ready to take with
us on the morrow to savour at the top of the hill, several stairs and a bit of a
trudge apparently.......... Later, I demonstrated how I will
fend off bities no need to explain how that took
Maj. As we bade each other ‘farewell’ in the cockpit we heard a loud
Shhhhh. Stunned as it was only half nine, we quieted and heard it again. By the
time Steve and Chris had got home the Shhh-ing was almost continuous. It took a
while to twig that it was bats getting cross with us, nothing compared to their
sporadic chatter through the night but it did make for a bit of a