To Rudy Maas

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 30 Apr 2016 22:57
To Rudy Maas
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This morning we popped in for coffee with Peta and Oscar. It was very sadly ‘farewell’ time. At lunch time the tide rose and Beez fought the almost overwhelming Velcro effect of our hosts jetty. the first task was to nip round the corner to the fuel dock in the next marina. Bear made an effort to smile, we both shrugged and had to get on with it. A very wonderful time here in Sanctuary Cove but.........this circumnavigation of hours demands us move on.
After fuelling up we had to pass by – oh - Beez bucked and reared and fought for her head, the second she saw the dock she had wanted to stay on.
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All of a sudden a big tour ferry wanted to overtake us, a big cruiser and smaller weekend traffic bring concentration to the fore.
We had to turn left at the green and into a vast area.
Maritime Rescue was trying to fight a stuck lady, took a while but before it was out of sight we saw success.
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Another entrance, this time with a ‘Boaties Welcome’ sign, Australia certainly knows how to make boaties feel safe, monitored, provide great weather, information websites, anchorages and services. A very friendly bunch.
A working girl ready for work after the long weekend.
A very bright houseboat.
On our next left some chaps were sunbathing.
A lovely open area, a well marked channel, but only good for us at high tide. There was a bit of a wiggle through Jacobs Well Shoals with notices at each end saying ‘less than a metre at low tide’. We had nearly a metre under us so all was well. Then over two and above the rest of the way.
We passed Jacobs Well Volunteer Marine Rescue.
Behind us.
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Some Jacobs Well residents.
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Loved this girl – her three chairs set up as lookouts-cum-fishing stools.
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Trendy and traditional houseboats.
On through Jacobs Well mooring field, then a right turn, we still had an hour of daylight so instead of overnighting here we pressed on.
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Over on the left a lady who looks as if she has been there for some time, over on the right – at first glance OK but closer, not seaworthy.
Things are all ripped and raggedy.
Our last uh-oh of the day and the saddest lady of all, a little further and we were in the mooring field.
We picked a couple of nice ladies to park near, picked up a Department of Transport buoy, thirteen and a half miles completed and settled to watch the sunset.
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                     A GOOD START TO OUR JOURNEY NORTH