Return to Marina

Back from
Havana After beer o’clock and a further bimble it was time to head back to the bus
Beautiful hotel
lobbies and a ............ whatever next
We passed a
pharmacy with sadly lacking stock and the butcher’s shop, closed on
It was so apparent that in the ‘ago’ these were stunning buildings beautifully
Back to the bus bays, the trigger finger couldn’t be stopped
We sat and waited for our bus, known
by the dodgy looking doll in flip flops and set
stuff taken through the bus window
The flag pole saga is a great story and we had to slip it in. The grounds of the USINT (United States Interest Section of the Embassy of Switzerland in Havana – building far right in the picture) annually featured a Christmas display - including a Santa Claus, a Frosty the snowman and a sleigh. In 2004, the display also included a large number "75". This was in reference to the jailed dissidents. The Cuban government, in response to Section Chief James Cason's refusal to remove the sign, placed several large billboards facing the building, carrying images of the abuse in Abu Ghraib and references to Nazis. In January 2006, USINT began displaying messages on a scrolling "electronic billboard" in the windows of their top floor. Messages include the George Burns quotation, "How sad that all the people who would know how to run this country are driving taxis or cutting hair." Following a protest march, the Cuban government erected a large number of poles, carrying black flags with single white stars, obscuring the messages. In June 2006, Granma International referred to the billboard as the systematic launching of the crudest insults of our people via the electronic billboard, which, in violation of the most elemental regulations of international law, they think they can maintain with impunity on the facade of that imperial lair. Also during 2006, the Cuban billboards began carrying images of President Bush and Luis Posada Carriles as vampires and axe-murderers. President Obama said “No more, Stop It” so in June 2009, the electronic billboard was turned off, because, according to the United States Department of State, the billboard was not effective in delivering information to the Cuban people. Subsequently, the billboards - including the famous "Señores Imperialistas" sign - are gone as of June 2009.
Back at the hotel, off the bus, we saw a new visitor with much potential
Muchos entertainment and major bow thrusting to get her parked, rather them than me as a small battalion of staff ran around on walkie talkies saying “left a bit” “right a bit”, Bernie the bolt. .