Cap d'Ambre to Ambaru Bay

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Mon 22 Jul 2019 23:57
Cap d'Ambre to Ambaru Bay, Madagascar
We rounded the Cape and found calm water as we headed down the coast.
I saw this chap just outside the front window. The little passenger was fused to the big one – random landing.
Bear caught some Zzzzz’s. When he woke I had the urge to take the conservatory down for some fresh air and sunshine.
Oh My. Resting birds en route clearly left their calling cards.........
A perfectly flat sea, time for a Flag Ceremony.
IMG_0123  IMG_0127
The flag of Madagascar. Outside, flag ready to go aloft, I decided to pick up some flying fish.
One hundred and eight flying fish in seven minutes flat.
Our scenery along the way. I popped out every so often but took on a frenzy of cleaning. I put a load of salty laundry to soak, washed the kitchen floor, the bin and anything within reach. It felt good to begin the huge task of getting Beez back to rights.
Looking out to sea, quarter past four (local time) and a monochrome picture – no, unaltered.
Final bit, to turn left beyond the lower hump in the middle.
Slightly worrying, this island isn’t on our chartplotter.
Stunning, barren and very African.
Entering Ambaru Bay.
Looking up to the left at sunset.
Anchored in 6 metres opposite the village. in the dark, not a street lamp, just the odd flicker of a torch....... Once the engine went off the quiet was deafening, alone save for the little local ferry.
Plan – a few days in Ambaru Bay for R+R (rest and repair). A celebratory drink and two games of backgammon (I lost both and lost eight dollars on the very first rubber – growling and snarling with a few bluestreaks). Then journey analysis whilst Bear showered.
Cape Map
As the chartplotter chip (growl and a later battle........) has no detail, Bear plotted a course on his IPad Navionics programme using blue pins. Darkness, we would have gone around the lighthouse but daylight had depth enough. Very strange that the clock has gone back three hours. We anchored at 17:52 (20:52 our Chagos time).
Our journey was 1572 nautical miles, so very strange to leave the United Kingdom and end up in Madagascar. 249 hours at sea and up until the weather window pressured us to get on with it, we would have spuddled in having only used the engine for a few hours – but – we ended up motoring for 49 hours. Too much wind for the first week and too little for the last three days. My Nemesis is now behind me, huge relief. Couldn’t have done it without faith in the ability and strength of Beez Neez. Bear, always solid and dependable (although I still think he should wear a hard hat). Des, his amazingly accurate weather predictions, local knowledge and trusted friendship. The Almighty, Family and Friends.
Thank You all.
Miffy put it so well in an analogy he thought was his worst. “Sounds to me like you sailed through the window of success, but clipped the frame on the way through”. I for one could not have put it better.......
We have crossed the Indian Ocean. Since leaving Malaysia we have notched up 4489.05 nm and have 8039 left do to to reach Jolly Harbour, Antigua. Our total on this At-Venture so far is 36,413 nautical miles. Time for me to shower, feed Bear supper in bed and lay down (together for a change, pity it was to be an incredibly rolly night.....). Fabulous to have crossed another ocean safely.
                     VERY DIFFERENT SCENERY