
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 9 Feb 2014 23:57
Yes, Poor Beez Neez Got a
Whole Lot Worse
![]() Bear
dangling. Don’t ask – I didn’t.
![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, they say things get worse before
they get better. Just look at the sea berth, the
office and my poor desk.
How come it’s now your poor desk. Keep up
your lip with me and I’ll bite you, right this minute. Bite me, that’s just about all you can do.
![]() ![]() This may look like an ordinary thumb,
pollex or very important digit, but, my DIPJ (distal intaphalangeal joint) is
beyond sore and my MCPJ (metacarpophalangeal joint) has had it. Now, I can only
hold a varnish tin or pot for five minutes, then I have to remove it with my
other hand and unlock these very fed up joints.
Since using my massive tailors
scissors for the first time in yonkers (trimming the carpet pieces ready for
installation – when ??? – don’t ask I didn’t), I immediately gave myself
blisters, which readily bleed, not in the varnish I
hope, thank you for your sympathy, DEAR. You
are so welcome. Hear Pepe growling loudly.
Have you heard of anyone planning an
eyeball attack with a cocktail stick
You can’t hold
anything that small.
Get back here and I will bite
Catch me first
You wait. You just wait.
![]() Payback.
Actually, things had to halt and
deviate for a day. Bear finished the water maker panel, moved some wires,
re-housed the diesel heater tank. I wish I could say I provided the ‘lash marks’ on his back, but I have to admit that they
occurred during his work. The marks are from him laying against the sharp
cupboard edge, upside down I’ll have you
know, correction then, many times thank
you and wiggling back and forth. In the picture the skipper is
finishing painting the inside of the cupboard – the bits I can’t reach. Is that because of your gentle, sweet, delicate
self...............I suggest you take on an outside job in the next
three seconds. Yes dear. Much more
![]() ![]() In fact much, much, much, more
growling as I wandered back to finishing my halted job. Bear had cleaned the
brush from above, left the lid off the thinners AND
just look at my new varnish – spattered with bloody grey
undercoat. See an incandescent Pepe. THAT’S IT, no more decorating until
you have made a stage exeunt left, permanently. Ooooops.
Payback on me this time. I used some
of the open thinners to get a sticky mark off the sea berth toilet ceiling. What
did I do, put it straight into my little pinky wound, bleeding yet again, since
I had hit it on the jubilee clip at the back of the toilet. I have made myself a
pledge – to clean for an hour a day, on top of decorating jobs, just to keep up
with household chores. Saturdays cleaning job was taking everything out of the
sea berth toilet, scrubbing it within an inch of its life and putting the
temporary stowage stuff back, after it too had been washed. At this very second
I have so much stinging going on in my thinners bathed wound – I didn’t know I
knew that many swear words, or that I could run a continuing paragraph of such
words, not repeating myself once. I’ll stay outside
methinks. Good idea captain.
![]() I took this picture of the skipper
pondering his navel fluff. I was not. Moving
on quickly. In amongst all the chaos (and just in front of his head) is the said
“gopping” flower vase, the peace offering from his
last misdeed. Wonder how he is going to make up for the grey
spattering.............Mmmmm. Anyway, how this daft item has a) stayed in one
piece b) not been flung – either overboard or at the said skipper and c) the
flowers have managed to do well. Have to say in a mad second, I have to admit to
taking an arty shot, the first in what seems like months.
![]() OK so you can have
another one.
![]() Mmmm.
![]() ![]() Beez now has her
rain coat on, now the noise of the tarp crinkling and snatching, duets
with the bird that shrieks all night long. We know just how much rain has fallen
in the South West and watched the various videos of waves pounding. We know it’s
no consolation, but we have had days on end of solid rain and winds to thirty
five knots. People out on anchor and on mooring balls have travelled miles in
circles. The Waitangi Treaty Day was a complete washout and one of the massive
ceremonial waka (canoe) overturned.
![]() This picture was taken at nine o’clock this morning – so dark and
![]() ![]() ![]() On the radio at around sunset
yesterday, we were listening to a sad chap who had cut a corner and hit rocks.
His boat was taking on water, but he managed to limp in. Nick, the marina
manager called in the boys and they were all ready to lift this sad lady out
when she got here well after dark. Good to know the boys help out in
emergencies. One blade on her right rudder is clearly bent. One on her left has a
bite, a chunk clearly missing.
![]() Sadly, and expensively, it is clearly
visible that the housing of the left rudder has
sustained some serious damage in the clonk, we can see the fuzzy, messy bits of
fibreglass. Beez will have a new friend for a while.
![]() ![]() ![]() Back indoors, I look out at a sorrowful looking cockpit. An unchanged looking lounge and a ‘some things in and some things out’ looking
lounge floor. Yes,
but........ please don’t continue, I feel it’s best for your health
and well-being. Yes dear,but I did do all the cooking
for us the other day. WHAT. You poured cereal and milk
for breakfast, bought us a pie for lunch and tipped out pre-prepared, by me,
salad for supper. I did make us a dollop of mash
each. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that you boiled a kettle, tipped some
powder into the water and stirred it with a fork, that hardly constitutes
Gordon ruddy
Blue............ Well, watch Bear
skulking off and don’t let me hear a single Arrrrrrr.
![]() Less boats in
now, most are out having summer fun. No
comment, Grrrrrrrowl.