Wet Week

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 9 Jul 2013 22:57
Constant Rain and Staying
This has been our
vista for a week, almost solidly.
The cathedral barely
The rain has been good for the locals
who had been complaining that this has been the longest dry spell in years and
water supplies were getting low. Sadly the beginning of the festival that they
have practiced so hard for was cold and wet too. We have busied ourselves with
chores, had a lovely supper on Gallivanter and a smashing evening on
Pitufa. Spirits lift in good company and it’s always fun to listen to
others adventures.
We know most of our blog readers will
laugh when we say twenty degrees is so cold, but having acclimatised to thirty,
we are feeling it. Even Bear wears a tee shirt at night, so I no longer get to
sleep in the shallow end as no ‘sweaty boy’ next to me. We are not alone here
with the weather, checking the weather reports the picture is widespread. From
here to Bora Bora, the Marquesas to Tahiti all beaten with winds up to forty
knots with massive seas, those brave enough to venture out have taken quite a
beating. We have been happy to sit and wait for a better weather
On a very sad note we have read the
news accounts about Nina and her crew of seven assumed lost between New
Zealand and Australia. A sobering reminder that the ocean is vast, we are tiny
and we must never take her power for granted.
Bear doing his final stowing jobs.
During the week I was presented with
another toe nail, only one more due to leave the captains peds, bringing the
total to 50% lost. Mmmmmmm.
The plan was to leave this morning
but we got up to the usual heavy rain. After breakfast it stopped and finally
the sun came out. Leaving after lunch seemed the better option. Bear went ashore
to say farewell at the Police Station, drop the final rubbish and buy some eggs.
All went well until the eggs were posted into the cockpit, Baby Beez took the
opportunity to go off on her own, the skipper had no choice but to swim after
her. I was blissfully unaware of these events as I was adding some new books
(kindly given to me by Pitufa – Christian and Birgit) to my IPod. I heard the
shower pump going as the captain rinsed himself al fresco then came in to give
me a full report.
A boat has just arrived in from
Henderson Island telling of massive seas. Whilst the forecast is good, we know
that the sea swell is due to drop by FIVE FEET overnight. Enough said. We stay
put and try and poke our noses out tomorrow. Fingers crossed.