Beez to 27/01/19

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 27 Jan 2019 23:57
Beez Neez to the 27th of January
![]() Monday 21st. Bear
began making a wooden hat for the air-con unit so the
vent pipe is protected from the rain. The vent has to stick out from the sea
berth toilet hatch as said machine stands below and dribbles away in the shower
tray. I buried myself in admin did some washing, re-buried myself and didn’t see
light of day until a late afternoon stomp getting to the pool at six. My little
IPod wouldn’t stop or do anything, in fact completely frozen (for the second
time) Mmmm. Tried to make Bear’s IPod Touch accept a book or two but the now
Forum King said No, that was the last IPod design before
they became no more as all the functions are now on IPhones and most music is in
the cloud so even if you get a book on it can only be a short one.
Nothing for it but to wait for my happily chatting away chap to wear his battery
down and see if I can reset him. Meantime, knowing life at sea would be
impossible without audiobooks (latest present from Bear was a James Clavell that
lasts seventy-three hours – bliss), my watches go by so quickly once I’m
absorbed in a good yarn, I ordered a Chinese knock-off as this one has to come
from China I also found one near Kuala Lumpur and ordered that one as well, at
four and five pounds each I’m not expecting much but if they play my books I’ll
be delighted. Worth a shot at least.
Tuesday 22nd. Bear
sanded and glued his air con hat. I buried myself once again in paperwork.
So,.......... on our way back from our cooling dip in the pool at seven I asked
Bear to put his pie in the oven while I finished my last few hundred stomps. I
get home to a nice aroma and began chopping my salad. Where is my pen ??? it was
on my notepad ready to write my weights down ??? I ask whilst fondling the pen
lid, vexed in case I was losing my memory. I haven’t
seen it says he all innocent like.........that should have put me on
alert but on I went with my chopping, began his baked potato in the microwave
followed by his green beans and gravy prep....... All done and ready to serve,
out came the baking tray with a suspicious shiny shape with two black dollops in
the right-hand corner. Yep Bear had baked my Bic Biro........Oops, I owe you a new baking tray. I’ll give you oops
and to add insult to injury I was savaged on the Mex Train Doms court. Double Oops. Growling and snarling.
![]() Wednesday 23rd.
Medical Insurance bought. Sad day when your faithful little selotape machine
begins to leak sand from his base. Swift emergency treatment with silver gaffer
tape and the small haemorrhage was abated. Phew. Wish all my admin hassles were
as easy to deal with. A bitter blow came late in the day when Christophe had to
admit that his company could no longer cover Chagos......... swearing a blue
streak but after supper settled to try two other companies recommended to us by
fellow yachties. Wonderful to see Patricia and Allan (Nauti Nauti)
again by the pool. Supper at the cafe tomorrow night.
Quote of the day – I’ll take on the toilets any day rather than the admin, it must
always strictly stay as a Pink Job. You wait until you next service
one of the toilets and start ticking like a clock....... I will certainly try my best not to wibble on, moan or
tick........ Mmmm. I may even go so far as
to promise. Steady. Finished printing for our port guides (hard copy
necessary in case no internet) at midnight but folder now brimming with onward
ports to St Helena. Fully expecting more of the same on the morrow. My old
little IPod has behaved quite well since I rebooted him. The knock off clearly
needs a new saddle (little memory card) and since Snoopy has been retired due to
old age and and frayed, my temporary IPod holder and
lanyard resembled a scruffy ball of wool.
Thursday 24th. 06:45
email pinged from Susan, (the insurance broker Patricia and Allan recommended),
she would try and get us a quote after one working day if we “fill in the form
below”. Come on, as I leapt to attention behind my laptop. A bleary-eyed skipper
followed me to the lounge and brought up the email on his IPad to tell me the
answers. He found the various bits of info and I typed like a banshee. All sent
an hour later. Time for a cup of tea methinks, no make that wethinks....... The
rest of the morning flew by in a few chores and more typing.
![]() Friday 25th. Bear back to laying down on the job, again. For me more
printing and yet another insurer applied to. Our insurer will cover Chagos but
not East Coast Africa all the other seem to be able to do East Coast Africa and
not Chagos. Quandary still ongoing. However, the Sand Plan has come on and now
sports harbour entrance and anchorages with Latitude and Longitudes
![]() ![]() Saturday 26th. Bear
was given an admin task. Ooooooo. To apply
for a Permit for Chagos as a last ditched attempt. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh away dear boy....... and let your
digits lovingly caress each and every letter on your laptop. Ahhhhmmmm. He disappeared and all went quiet for some
time. Make that a long time. Well I had to stop and
download the drivers for the printer, welcome to brushing with my
world. Huh. Going
through the form carefully, Bear unsurprisingly gave up. At six Chris and Steve
(Scott-Free), Allan and Patricia (Nauti Nauti) and us met in
the cafe to eat an early supper and then to play Mexican
Train Dominoes. Pictures taken by Chris.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tricia brought her set of doms and instead of little trains as our
men she produced a box and we had to choose a creature with a bobbing head each.
Chris chose and adorable dragon, during the evening she fed
him a crisp, coffee break, enjoyed him
(well.....) when her train became available and was
sad to say farewell to him.
![]() ![]() ![]() Allan, our very own Jack Nicholson
lookalike move his glasses between near and far sight. Adding up his score and Tricia’s
face as she sneaks the losers crown from Allan and me (my first round I
was caught for 101 and three later 147, I thought I was the loser by a huge
margin). In the end there was only about thirty between the three of us. Of
course Bear won and spent the rest of the evening with that smug look
on his face genius of course. Growling
![]() ![]() Sunday 27th.
Breakfast and Bear settled to putting on Beez new
cover as our tarpaulin has shredded over the past fortnight. I set about
another blog from Hong Kong. Eggs for brunch, I lost at backgammon and Bear went
to ring Mr Din to organise a car for my dental visit to Mrs Chew on the morrow.
A minute later it was four o’clock. Skipper went to the pool, I did my stomps
and had a very swift dip in a freezing pool, Mr Sun well and truly
![]() ![]() Amazing when there is
no wind and the hotel boys lay up a pretty table with
![]() Between the pool
pretty table and the far bar yet another