Lotus Temple

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 12 Apr 2019 22:37
The Lotus Temple, Delhi
We walked through one of the many, impressive peacock gates.
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The tablet inside the gate read: The Bahai Faith recognizes the unity of God and of His prophets upholds the principle of an unfettered search after truth condemns all forms of superstition and prejudice, teaches that the fundamental purpose of religion id to promote concord and harmony that it must go hand in hand with science, and that it constitutes the soul and ultimate basis of a peaceful, an ordered and progressive society. It inculcates the principle of equal opportunity, rights and privileges for both sexes, advocates compulsory education, abolishes extremes of poverty and wealth exalts work performed in the spirit of service to the rank of worship recommends the adoption of an auxiliary international language, and provides the necessary agencies for the establishment and safe guarding of a permanent universal peace. Then we looked across the vast garden and caught our first look at the Lotus Temple.
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We bimbled along the long pathways. The grounds measure 26.6 acres, purchased in 1953.
The clean lines of the Lotus Temple are due to the architect Mr. Fariburz Sahba, construction began on the 21st of April 1980 and the edifice was formerly dedicated to the Unity of God, Unity of Religion and Unity of Mankind on the 24th of December 1986. The height from floor to top is 34.27 metres, the diameter is 70 metres and the roof is made up of 27 petals. The petals are made of white concrete. On the exterior the petals are clad in white Greek marble panels. Inside there is seating for 1300.
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There are nine pools around the temple. The temple was paid for by voluntary contribution received from the Indian Bahai community as well as Bahai’s all over the world.
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Pictures are not allowed inside but here is a model in the Information Centre and a picture by Dinudey Baidya of the inside.
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Once outside I did take a couple through the glass.
Out through a different path passing another pool.
Bear on the steps as we leave this ‘peaceful’ idea............
Pleased to have visited the Lotus Temple, since it opened 70 million have come from all over the world.
Another tablet.
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Lovely jacaranda trees as we left.