The Caicos Islands

The Caicos Islands
![]() Of the Turks and Caicos Islands, The Caicos Islands are the larger group, with almost ninety six percent of the land area - two hundred and twenty seven square miles and eighty two percent of the population (26,584 out of a total of 33,302 in 2006). The Caicos Islands are arranged around the Caicos Bank, like an atoll, with the six large islands in the west, north and east, and a few tiny reefs and cays in the south. The Caicos Bank is an underwater limestone bank, on which the islands rest, covering an area of 2,370 square miles. The area is made up of sand, mixed coral, algae, coral reefs and other habitats, typically at depths of from three to fifteen feet deep.
The unofficial capital of the Caicos Islands is the village of Kew on
North Caicos. There is no official capital because the island group is not an
administrative unit. The Caicos Islands encompass four of the six administrative
of the territory. Four of the six main islands are inhabited, plus two of the
smaller islands: Main islands, from West to East, with population estimates of
![]() Inhabited smaller islands, in the Caicos Cays between Providenciales
and North Caicos:
![]() The Caicos Islands make up four of the six districts of the territory. North, Middle and East Caicos Islands was designated a Ramsar site of the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance on the 27th of June 1990.