Kestrel Falls
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 31 Mar 2016 22:57
Kings Canyon - Kestrel Falls
Lookout After our gentle bimble to the end of the Creek Walk, we set
out for Kestrel Falls or as far as Bear’s knee would allow from blue arrow to
blue arrow. The sign said: This 4.8 kilometre walk begins with a demanding
climb up to the south wall of Kings Canyon, passing the Kestrel Falls lookout on
the way. From the south wall you can see stunning views across the north face
and down into the canyon itself, experiencing Watarrka National Park’s 450
million year old geological features.
We had three hours so off we went. These imposing
cliffs formed as small cracks eroded over millions of years, and shelter
a unique conservation area.
Over to our right the scenery
went on for miles.
Up we
The sun erupted
the reds.
We thought this imposing rock looked like a sphinx. Not a kestrel in sight other than the one on this information board. We pressed on until
Bear’s knee squeaked, we
sat and enjoyed the vista. Bear’s favourite tree to our left. Behind us. Great rocks along the
way. My favourite. Spinifex grasses and
random rocks. View on our way down,
a water hole, quite a
surprise. Little zebra finches scruffed about. This chap would not
turn round for a portrait shot.... We all piled on the bus and drove back to the resort for lunch, then it was back via Mt Ebenezer stop, the Camel
stop and on to Alice Springs. Wow.