Last NZ

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 24 May 2015 22:57
Last Blog from New
![]() The week
began crisp, cool and the hope to sail off into the sunset sadly a no go.
The weather changed and we would encounter a forecasted forty two knots of wind
on the nose in boisterous seas by Friday, after motoring for two days solid, we
clearly stayed, the predicted window for next Sunday seems to indicate a
stronger low pressure system – fingers crossed.
![]() ![]() Bear checked the engine and found a
modicum of diesel in the well and soon had Barry one of the engineers, for the
enth visit, for a quick check and the application of some very trendy washers. The two
heads bobbed together and both agreed the leak was from the diesel return on
number one cylinder. These are very difficult to reach with a soft copper washer
each side. Barry came up with the shiny, silver jobs and they were quickly
introduced to their new home. The four spares will ensure the air does not turn
blue in the future when said soft jobs ping off, nary to be seen again,
swallowed by the Bilge Elf. The new
chaps ought to be good at nearly four quid
![]() ![]() ![]() Bear
helped me up the mast so I
could add some new reflective tape to help us identify the girl when she is in a
big group. Very handy to shine the torch across an anchorage and see her
glistening in the dark. From up high the girl is looking really ready for sea, just a few things
left to stow, stick down or pad.
![]() ![]() A different view
of the marina from up high – Scott-Free, her mast just visible
on the far left and Sheer Tenacity – her
very smart, red livery unique in the line.
![]() Bit of an oops
with the stool [no names, no pack drill], currently or now in past tense
used to help us get off and on the girl, normally the trusty steed that Bear
uses to launch himself up into bed. The new strain of on-ing and off-ing did for
the poor dears right knee, clearly getting to the Beatles milestone birthday has
‘done’ for dancing, spinning, in fact any bending of the said joint. We had a
very wet, cold day so what a great excuse for bed rest and weather watching. We
look at three different sites on the mighty web, all differing in their patterns
from each other at the moment.
![]() ![]() My final chore was to re-water-repel
the conservatory. A gentle scrub inside and out, wait for the sun to dry
everything thoroughly then paint on 303 – the best there is. Two spray jobbies
were used and the next day we both went out to inspect the morning dew, lovely,
lots of perfect, clear balls of water. It has to be
said that directing the opening out of the girl does stop the water from
cascading into your shoe or worse still all over the cockpit cushions and
chairs. Note to selves – bang it from indoors before venturing out. Job well
done methought..........
Yesterday morning I leapt up at six
o’clock to see how things were after an enormous downpour, there I was shining
the torch up into the darkness posed to shout Ta-dah but........Oh my, it was
pouring inside the conservatory. Bang went sixty quid and to say I was as cross
as a wasp just doesn’t cover it. Bear very quietly, slowly, bearing knee brace
and walking stick hobbled up to the chandler’s that kisses our Visa card so
sweetly..... returning with a gallon of the said 303. This morning I set to
almost pouring a layer on whilst Bear moved our fan heater about. Definitely
fingers crossed.
The latest from the skipper is rough seas tomorrow but a final decision on the
morrow. Rightee-oh captain.
Today, other than the
re-re-water-repelling of the pram hood was an absolute re-run of last Sunday.
Tidy, shower, laundry, Yacht Club for a weather chat and supper with the
Stealthy Six, all hopes for a departure on the morrow, failing that Tuesday – as
they say in all good cliff-hangers, Watch This Space..........
![]() Hopefully the final picture of Beez Neez in Opua, New Zealand.