SW Dolphin Show

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 2 Mar 2012 14:37
The SeaWorld Dolphin
appeared as the main character in this underwater fantasy story. We sat quietly
in the popcorn munching audience and watched as a few
dolphins set about going through their paces.
A dance, a twirl,
a jump or two and plenty of treats.
Then it was time to watch the humans twirl, dive and mid-air dance
Out came a False
Killer Whale (very big dolphin) who could really make a splash – hence
‘soak zone seats’ get a major wetting. We have to say the strength and speed of
this creature was very impressive. From nought to twenty five miles an hour in a
split second and from a standing start to leaping twenty feet in the air did
make us catch our breath along with the rest of the spectators.
Humans, dolphins,
water features then macaws flying through the audience, so good we went
back later to see the show a second time
The biggest surprise was an American Condor leaping from his platform, swooping down
across the water and landing on the other side. He scuttled into a gap in the
hedge and settled on his tidbit. Wow, now that really was a wow. This happened
as the macaws landed on their keeper and a small
swarm of lorikeets flew through.