To Key West

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Mon 7 May 2012 22:57
To Key West We had the anchor up by 07:10 for our
last trip in the United States of America – to Key West
journey thirty nine miles, the next to Havana
ninety miles and then to Guatemala, a further six
hundred and ninety miles
Disused rail
bridge – probably courtesy of our mate Henry Flagler, but we
will check. Key West dangles at the end of a one
hundred and thirteen mile, forty two bridge ocean skimming highway, that tethers
fifty one of the eight hundred and twenty two Florida Keys to the mainland. New
York to Key West by road is 1,438.9 miles along the I-95. It is said non-stop
the journey can be done in twenty five hours.
‘Snowbirds’. Hundreds of boats head to Key West to wander
around the tchotchke shops (what a great word – for the Barmy Army of blog
readers in the UK – grockle shops) and over winter. Then head north as soon as
the temperature rises.
Approaching Key
BIG Coast Guard
lady. This is a major working station for the service so close to Cuba,
nearer than Miami.
As we entered the channel and trotted
along in its washing machine currents and bent marker
buoy, it was clear we were going to have many, many ‘One Careful Owner’ opportunities
We found the mooring field and passed
Benji. She has already been entered for this years
final, if not herself, then for her
Skippers new best friend is a nine inch pipe fish as he takes a
cooling dip. Behind him a gaggle of sea birds
chatter on an upturned dinghy
As the sun was
setting we asked our nearest neighbours if we were indeed on a City
Marina mooring ball. “No that belongs to Lee, the City balls are around the
corner”. Oh – something to sort out on the morrow
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