Breakfast, Birds & Clouds

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 4 Apr 2018 22:57
Breakfast, Birds & Backing Winds with Amazing Lightning
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Bear certainly was on no diet when he saw his breakfast, just look at that cheesy grin. Porridge, fry up and a bucket of tea, doesn’t get much better than this. Our first Himalayan bulbul sat looking proud in the garden.
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Behind Bear’s head I counted forty eight vultures and one co-operated and flew nearer.
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Below the back garden we watched a lady sowing, a family sowing following on behind the dad working the team and plough.
Back to the garden and a butterfly attracted to a yellow flower.
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A chap posed this way and that.
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A couple of big fellas came by and a human.
A real beauty scruffing about.
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This handsome boy (crimson sunbird) settled to his breakfast.
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Another at the end of the dining room to set about a hibiscus flower.
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Two different varieties of poinsettia and a huge carpenter bee from my breakfast seat.
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Another bulbul, a little brown job and after breakfast we looked down at the lake, very dark as a helicopter passed below us.
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We bimbled back toward our room as Ishwor (host) pointed out a nest, very hidden and then he got it out to show us. He told us that the pair had finished with it for the year and will build a new one when they return.
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Blooms outside our room, then, the first big dollops of rain.
Looking down from our room the valley was very dull and hazy.
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We took the opportunity to lay on our bed and simply cloud watch. A thin wisp coming from the next valley and a puff coming up the valley.
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The rain hammered as the clouds thickened. We could see spectacular lightning every four or five minutes.
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In between power cuts and wi-fi signal coming and going, Bear ordered bits for Beez and we thoroughly enjoyed watching the valley appear and disappear.
After supper we went to the front view and saw Pokhara below.
                     BEAUTIFUL VIEWS TO CHILL OUT TO