Stormy on Nimue

Stormy the Sea Dog Steals the
Show on Nimue
![]() Stormy meeting
and having her first hug with Big Bear
Nimue invited us over for a BBQ, where Michael excelled with his Cob - a unit that steams, griddles, BBQ's and you can pick it up and move it around as the outer shell stays cool, quite a neat piece of kit. On board were the usual suspects, Beez Neez, Flying Cloud, Equa Regis and Sea Otter. Nimue met Sea Otter in Europe, Heather and Jonas are on a year long sabbatical with Stormy the sea dog. They crossed from their homeland - Canada to Europe and are here now in St Lucia with a record of forty five sailing miles per day since they left eight months ago. Carol and Jack (parents of Jonas) flew in to meet them, Jack has since flown home as he is not a sailor, Carol is having a few more days to cruise down the coast before flying home.
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The besotted Anne and Rick amazed at Stormy's tricks
The American Hairless
Terrier is a breed
of dog
that was formerly considered a variant of Rat
Terrier. As of the 1st of January 2004, the United
Kennel Club deemed the AHT a separate terrier
It is often mistaken for a hairless Chihuahua and
is a breed of choice for those requiring a hypoallergenic pet dog, Heather
needed no more information when Jonas told her "find the dog that won't make me
sneeze" that was eight years ago. Stormy has her own dinghy (she doesn't swim),
her own wardrobe, been featured on an advert for Ford cars, shakes both paws,
looks cute (both paws up, waving) and the best is when Jonas or Heather shoot
her "bang" gets her flat out playing possum. History: Reputedly, the breed started when one hairless puppy appeared in one Rat Terrier litter in the state of Louisiana, in 1972. Owners Edwin and Willie Scott liked the dog's look and temperament, and upon maturity bred her hoping to reproduce the hairless quality. They were eventually successful; a litter produced in 1981 provided the foundation stock of the breed.
![]() With PJ's featuring Bees, Stormy can do no wrong in our eyes
Recognition: In 1998 the breed gained recognition as the American Hairless Terrier by the American Rare Breeds Association and the National Rat Terrier Club. Canada was the first country outside the US to gain recognition, by Canadian Rarities in 1999. In 1999 the breed was recognized as Rat Terrier, Hairless Variety by the United Kennel Club. The UKC is the only governing body that recognizes the breed. While this organization is a national body, the breed is waiting for an international official breakthrough. In the US the American Hairless Terrier Association is the provisional breed club. Other National Breed Clubs around the world include the Canadian American Hairless Terrier Association and the Japanese Hairless American Terrier Club.
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A hug from Grandma Carol and tired now
Description: The American Hairless Terrier is a smoothly muscled, active,
small-to-medium terrier. The AHT is different from the other hairless dog breeds
native to other countries. The breeds most often seen are the Chinese Crested,
the Xoloitzcuintli, and the Peruvian Inca Orchid. These breeds all have a few
things in common: most evident is the hair on the head, feet, and tail on the
hairless variety; missing, poor, or weak teeth; and skin problems. The American
Hairless Terrier has a strong, full set of teeth, a totally hairless body
(except for whiskers and eyebrows), and does not have the skin problems
associated with the other hairless breeds. Another difference found between the
breeds is that in the American Hairless Terrier the hairless gene is recessive,
while the gene for hairlessness found in the ancient breeds is a lethal
![]() ![]() ![]() Jonas, Heather checking on Chef and Carol. Anne catching up with
Lucy and a bemused Francois
![]() Time for a restorative nap and keep
![]() Time also to take in the sunset with another
beer or several.