Little Tobago
Day Out to Little
We introduced the Moth's to the concept of 'the Berger House'
Wayne, owner operator of Kennedy Tours, picked us up bright and early for our day trip out to Little Tobago. We passed through his home village en route north and saw the mudslide damage. Tobago is good at the 'clear up' after disasters and events, such as this current damage done by the passing of Hurricane Tomas. Everyone in a village puts to work with their own shovels and wheelbarrows, signing a worksheet that is passed to the Authorities for payment, everyone gets stuck in to the task and within days most was back to normal, fallen trees were left to the council to clear with heavy machinery.
We got on a tour boat and soon passed Ian Fleming's house (the 007 author). From a distance didn't look too bad, but up close was in a poor, deserted state.
We saw birds and butterflies and some locals let their chickens roam Little Tobago
Little Tobago (or Bird of Paradise Island) is a small island off the northeastern coast of Tobago, one square kilometre in area and is located at 11° 18' north latitude and 60° 31' west longitude. The highest point on the island is approximately four hundred feet above sea level. The island supports dry forest. It is an important breeding site for seabirds such as Red-billed Tropicbird, Audubon's Shearwater, Brown Booby, Brown Noddy, Sooty and Bridled Terns. A few pairs of White-tailed Tropicbirds have also recently started nesting here. Little Tobago is also a good site from which to see birds which breed on neighbouring small islands, including Red-footed Booby and Magnificent Frigatebird. The latter species is frequently seen harassing the tropicbirds, boobies and terns.
History: In 1909 Sir William
Ingram introduced the Greater
Bird of Paradise, Paradisaea apoda
to the island in an attempt to save the species from overhunting for the plume
trade in its native New
Guinea. About forty five juvenile birds were introduced to the island.
After Ingram's death in 1924 his heirs deeded the island to the Government of
Trinidad and Tobago as a wildlife sanctuary. The birds survived on the island
until at least 1958 when they were filmed by a National
Geographic crew. There are no reliable records after 1963 when Hurricane
Flora hit the island and the population is presumed to be
View from Little Tobago of the
A huge draw to Little Tobago
- to see the world's largest brain coral in the Kelleston Drain, sadly Tomas had swirled up too much sand
I borrowed this picture from an advertisement for
the area
The sea between Tobago and Little Tobago is shallow and
glass-bottomed boats such as the one we were on, normally see the
brain coral, other corals and brightly-coloured tropical fish very easily, but
due to the effects on the water of the passing of Hurricane Tomas it was
like looking down into pea soup. This area is a popular area for snorkeling and
diving, especially on Angel Reef in front of Goat Island, we were none to happy
to actually pass over some divers, seeing their bubbles - this just to pass some
cigarettes from our skipper to the dive boat
Back ashore we had a wonderful local lunch in the famous Treehouse Restaurant, with hungry
locals watching for tit-bits
Wayne led us to a waterfall en route back to
A little kingfisher was there to
Then we stopped for an ice cream and got a great shot of the house up
the road - drying wellies