
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 29 Jan 2012 23:07
To Fort Frederica, Frederica River, Georgia
BF To Fort Frederica GA 004
Engine on at a quarter past eight and not at all cold, the temperature around seventeen degrees. Out of our hidey-hole and onward. This lot were still soundo.
BF To Fort Frederica GA 002
The sun came out and a bit more in the way of scruffing about. Bear happy on duty I went prep supper and to play Zuma for an hour. 
BB To Fort Frederica GA 001  BB To Fort Frederica GA 009
I hear the genoa go up. Just for an airing you know. Yes Dear.
BB To Fort Frederica GA 024

BB To Fort Frederica GA 017  BB To Fort Frederica GA 026


My shift at ten, Bear tells me to wrap up against the chilly wind that’s blowing straight from the sea across the open sound. He failed to mention I was just about to leave deep water, try to find a completely missing red marker, enter a yet unseen channel, the water was going to drop from 8.8 to 1.8 in a split second, Oh just follow that local who just overtook us. I force a smile. I’ll get you a stiff one when you get to the cross by where it says Little Mud River.

Paint Pepe’s face a seriously angry red colour.

Have you ever seen log book look so threatening.

Bear has

Scarper Bear, Scarper


BF To Fort Frederica GA 034    BF To Fort Frederica GA 035


Less than half a minute later, I am tucked into the channel, local boat way too far in the distance to be of any help leading me. There is absolutely no wind. I have to strip off scarf, gloves, hat, jacket, outer leggings, jumper, slippers and roll my PJ legs up, by then I was well out of sorts. This silly little sod only just got out of the way of Beez, just as Bear announces a detour he has found.


BB To Fort Frederica GA 027


He far too brightly tells me that as we have already been to Wallys Leg (I chose it as I loved the name) on the way north we could try Fort Frederica (Oh nothing to do with the fact there may just be a cannon for him to get his now twitchy little finger on......


BB To Fort Frederica GA 029    00046823_000


So instead of taking the white line on the GPS (ICW) Bear hovers over me to make sure I turn left into Frederica River. “Oh I have just gone off piste”. No Dear – eyes firmly closed the correct term is gunkholing. “Well shiver me timbers”

Have you ever watched Pepe turn from a calm first mate into a seething Anne Bonny in a split second.

Bear has

Under his beard I hear him mutter something about it wouldn’t be so bad if I had her figure.

I did once

BAM Have you ever seen a bilge pump handle aimed so well

Bear has

Zip it while your ahead Bear, Zip it.


BF To Fort Frederica GA 014  BF To Fort Frederica GA 015


Thank heavens, a Pecalin saves the day and she is nice once more. Steady, I heard that


BF To Fort Frederica GA 019

BF To Fort Frederica GA 025


We enjoyed the floor show put on by this group; backs to us = mainly black, hand brake turn = white as they showed their under carriages. Just like watching a bole of fish. Yes dear.


BF To Fort Frederica GA 045


Huge excitement from the Skipper on the next bend as straight ahead – Fort Frederica (no guesses what we’re doing on the morrow)


BF To Fort Frederica GA 057


As we pass by to anchor a bit further on – trigger finger twitching madly, another extra treat between Charleston and St Augustine – cannons


BB To Fort Frederica GA 032  BB To Fort Frederica GA 042


Lovely sitting in the sun. I thrashed Bear at Upword, all seven letters in RECOVERS and the very next word OTALGIA. Huh. He even let me win at Sequence. Huh. Look at his cheesy grin just thinking about launching Baby Beez and getting his trigger finger ready. Deep joy.


BB To Fort Frederica GA 033  BB To Fort Frederica GA 036

BB To Fort Frederica GA 045








