Villa Week 30 - A Non-Week

Week Thirty at Sleeping Indian
Sunday the 11th of October. After missing eggs last week (that put my whole week on the wrong kilter) I was presented with gorgeous eggs, my very own egg event and the deepest yolk colour I have seen in a long time. Bear’s egg events were stunners. I have decided to get a little ‘normal’ in our system so from tomorrow laundry, dusting, sweeping, mopping throughout. Well, I’m up now and not sure what job to start, I know, I’ll get ahead and do the upstairs. Laundry on. As it happens it was just as well I chose to do that…… Bear started to replace the insect screens on the patio doors. Trouble ahead…… Monday the 12th. After breakfast Bear settled to connecting the hot water for the garden shower, as he was ‘playing’ with water in the utility room I didn’t think it wise to do the second coat on the cupboard doors, so, I took myself off to put a coat of exterior paint on the upper balcony. Rain stopped me from finishing……growling. Now it’s one thing to follow Bear around cleaning his finger marks off things like the bannister but wiping blood from the cupboard frame ??? Well you shouldn’t Gerribash me so much. Huh. We had a call from Lady Ronnie to tell us we had our Covid inspection on Wednesday morning. Glad I started the housework when I did. We went for a dip and saw a massive rainbow. Tuesday the 13th. Bear worked with me all day as we prepared for the inspection. After lunch the plywood sheet went on the bed, the stepladder followed and my beautiful assistant supported me while I filled and covered the small area of termite damage to bedroom ceiling. Whilst that dried we set about the patio. Bear began to complain about his ankle being sore…… By late afternoon we were clean and tidy throughout and ready. Wednesday the 14th. Bear hobbled to fetch breakfast…..Mmmm. Lady Ronnie and Stacy popped in to check the villa and Stacy returned at eleven to say “five minutes”. Four people came through the door. The driver was very chirpy but left after a quick chat. A lovely lady with very long hair looked around. Another lady went out after five steps into the kitchen and quite a grumpy man stood and spent all his time in the corner ticking boxes. All gone in ten minutes. We had passed. We had been warned about putting the books away but we cannot get used to the ‘naked’ looking bookcase. Bear really began to complain about his ankle. Not swollen or red but he can hardly put weight on it. Thursday the 15th. Bear stood and soon sat down. He can just hobble to the toilet not able to put his toes out straight. Bedrest ordered. And would you just look at the rain. Now Bear won’t settle by himself so I went down for breakfast and the day followed a soon-to-be-made-habit. I trotted down for lunch, cups of tea, supper and night drinks. I spent the rest of the day mucking about with my iTunes despite Miffy accusing me of being old-fashioned and out-of-date. I like my music on an external hard drive and my hundreds of audiobooks….. The weather didn’t improve all day. Out came two pieces of bread, slathered in Tiger Balm, clapped on to ankle, plastic wrap to keep the heat in and a sturdy bandage applied (Pepe’s take on the old fashioned bread poultice. Bear has laughed at me in the past but always admits that it works, it really does). Friday the 16th. It rained really hard all morning. More of the same with regards to Bear resting but I did pop out to the supermarket and brought back a few treats along with the boring stuff. No one has appeared all week so the front of the drive is still a sandpit…… Saturday the 17th. More of the same. Found Southland on a hard drive to watch. Totting up the time, we spent a few minutes shy of six hours talking to Miff and the boys, Team Tinson and Bird and boys. Fantastic to catch up with all the latest news, see six grandsons – oh, how they are growing and give Bear something to take his mind off his sore ankle. My diagnosis – as he was kneeling to do the insect screens with his feet out behind him, he overstretched or twisted his ankle. I can’t disagree but I want off my sick bed….. Not until Monday and then I’ll see. Growling. Don’t you growl at me. No Dear. Steady, you are in no fit state to run let’s face it…… No……D…….. Mmmmm. ALL IN ALL BACK IN THE SADDLE NEXT WEEK BIT OF A STRUGGLE BUT WE ARE CERTIFIED |