Beez to 25/11/18
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 25 Nov 2018 23:57
Beez Backstep to the 25th of November
2018 Saturday 24th. Shah appeared as we were
breakfasting with a Lazada parcel, “No electric for two hours, boat leaking
along the way”. We did as many jobs as we could that didn’t require
electrickery which included sorting my yoghurt mixes
(the parcel Shah had delivered) having to be stowed below the older ones. Tired
and hot we settled with a juice to watch some episodes (our TV is 12-volts). At
half five I wondered at why the mains had not come back on, Bear went to
investigate, his face on his return was forlorn. He found the marina electrician
who came on board, at half past seven the dear man left with our girls brain
instruction booklet (Mass Combi Unit). “I will study tonight, Miss”. We thanked
him. Salad for supper and a very quiet game of Mex Train Doms, we went to bed
feeling very defeated and in extremely low spirits.
Sunday 25th. Bear, managing to stay
positive, leapt up and lay down on the office floor
and began testing Beez brain cupboard wires and spent
ages on her brain. The marina electrician arrived
with another chap and the three men spent the next two hours rummaging. After
several minutes with my head in my hands I decided on a quick modification to
the back part of Bear’s seat and busied myself pinning. Bear found me working in
the bedroom and his face said it all. It works for a
couple of seconds and nudda, it’s dead. I felt the colour drain from
my face. We will have to find two thousand pounds that we simply don’t have. He
went to jury-rig a line to bypass the brain so at least the sockets on board
work. Neither of us could face lunch but I did finish the modification on the
big sewing machine. That done, I thought it would be nice to move the seat to
the cockpit and I went to gather the blankets we use at sea, they cover our
seats to keep them pristine and are there if it gets a bit nippy on a night
watch – there’s a thought I haven’t had for such a long
time. The blankets were in the en suite above our
two spare dive cylinders which rested on Bear’s yellow cockpit cushion (a big
thing he bought for a couple of quid because I like
it). As I carried the blankets through the kitchen I could have
sworn one was a bit damp........ Back to the en suite and on closer examination
I saw Bear’s cushion was not damp but completely soggy. That was it, I crumpled.
Tears flowed. I gripped the en suite doorway and howled. Bear found me unable to
speak, I pointed, he looked ashen. (It has taken me to the following Wednesday
to be able to write this). I took myself out on deck, sat, sobbed and tried my
best not to take it all out on our beloved Beez Neez. Why would anyone want to
live this crazy life ??? Why am I not sitting waiting for family to visit ????
Why am I not listening to the grandbabies as they tell me what they have asked
Santa to bring ??? I never really understood why it was always the woman who
said “enough is enough”. Bear came and sat next to me, we just held hands not
daring to ask how the other felt. I cannot remember eating supper, Bear wrote an
email to Mark (electrickery man) and copied in Simon (insurance man). Unusually,
sadly and in a defeated way I added my bit at the bottom, basically saying I had
crashed into the wall. I remember listening to my audiobook and dozing during
the night and waking to rewind when I missed a bit. It was nice to have the
company and something else to try to get absorbed in despite the heaviness of
heart and
spirit. Tomorrow, or in a few hours, we go on a
road trip to Penang to drop the life raft in for