Villa Week 31 - Very Little

Week Thirty-One at Sleeping Indian
Sunday the 18th of October. Bear made stunning eggs, I nipped down for mine when I heard the timer go off to save Bear a journey, glorious egg events for the chef. A slack day on my orders.
Monday the 19th. I got up to do laundry and housework, got around to writing last weeks non-week. Bear went outside on a promise not to overdo things. Lots of drilling and then a break for lunch. Bear had the nerve to beat me five two at backgammon (our first game in nine days. Growling. Bear worked until four, completing the pipework for the outside shower and the wooden frame to attach the plywood ‘wall’ prior to tiling. I pottered until he came in saying he fancied going for a dip. No, I was firm, made him a cup of tea while he showered and I gave my reasons. Bimbling across soft sand – a no.
Tuesday the 20th. Bear got on with the shower fitting and the backing wooden panel, thinks I will be tiling next week. Together we got the veg rack ready and Bear put it in place.
Wednesday the 21st. Bear’s ankle was very sore this morning so he was ordered to bedrest. I settled and we watched The killing until I bimbled to the supermarket. The only good thing about regular rain is the joy of the odd rainbow. Thursday the 22nd. Yet another non day. Bear’s ankle swollen, he has started taking anti-gout tablets in case that is what it has turned into. It will get worse before it gets better. Wrote loads of lists. Only excitement was a bit of pile driving along the way.
Friday the 23rd. Bear felt he could something today, I had an idea. He could perch with most of his weight on his good foot and chuck all Beez bags of ‘stuff’ from the attic. The front bedroom very quickly looked like a jumble sale before the stalls are sorted and set up. Next job was for me to lift the cases - UK ready - with Bear hoicking from above. All done, loft closed, it was time for a sort out. Cockpit cushions reconnected with their covers, same for the chairs. We put quilts in covers and I re-bagged Beez linen cupboard, office and sea berth bedding in respective bags and loaded on to the shelves in the cupboard. Bear went to make late lunch as I stuffed sails in the ‘case place’ in the cupboard, sewing bags, bits and bobs. Front bedroom back to rights.
Saturday the 24th. The exploits of yesterday made for Bear’s ankle to be stiff, sore and swollen – bedrest ordered. Lunch on the patio, I lost at backgammon, growling but I had revenge at Mex Train. I would like to go for a swim. Mmmm. Made Bear do a trial bimble up and down. OK then. We both growled as we traversed the sand gap at the end of the drive and saw the hibiscus nearest to where the men had dug up the garden is currently not happy at all. We took it very slow and took a breather at the end of the road to examine the ‘other holes’ dug to repair the electric supply. In fairness, I guess the workers don’t want to replace our driveway blocks until all is connected and tested, but it has been two weeks…..Island time then…
We meet this puss who guards the guards at the beach sentry post (the posh lot pay for their own armed patrols and extra guards). This cat is the one we watched as it struggled to swallow a small gecko, the wriggling kept tickling and it was a sight we had never seen before. Friendly little thing, though. We enjoyed our bobble in water a little churned by a weather system to the north of us. There were a few locals and ten tourists – this week the active cases of Covid-19 on the island is thirteen, two new cases with one recovered. The Antigua and Barbuda Dashboard. It is incredibly sad to see from our island bubble that the number of worldwide cases is 42,055,863 and deaths stand at 1,141,567. Terrible, just terrible. Whilst we sometimes get very fed up at being ‘stuck’ here, sick of the length of our job lists and in many ways as isolated as being out on the boisterous oceans, we cannot have any doubt that we are safer staying put with our decision fully supported by our children, family and friends. Stay safe everyone. A fairly colourless sunset but at least I remembered to take the camera. ALL IN ALL BRACING MYSELF FOR NEXT WEEK….. A WEEK OF……. |