Contadora Ashore
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 16 Mar 2013 23:17
Our First Pacific Island The first time
Bear has been on a beach
with Beez in the picture
for nearly two years (she’s in front of the red-hulled yacht). A few days on
this peaceful little island of Contadora, we will have time for chores,
swimming, exploring and chilling. Such a joy after the bustle of La Playita, the
very long bus journeys to busy supermarkets, standing in the taxi rank with an
obscenely laden trolley, nutty taxi drivers and fighting to stow the mass of
shopping in an already bursting-at-the-seams
girl. Just as we
thought we were getting over the lack of ‘uniqueness’ of Alan and Zebedee – we
see a real life Robinson
Crusoe potter by. The centre of this amazing craft has a motorbike, minus
the front wheel as its engine and the tent poles act as a shelter or four-way
sail mast. As he passed us he asked about a hotel, but as we had not ventured
ashore, could not help. He settled beside the blue hulled yacht and soon used it
as a mooring buoy. Next day, Baby
Beez launched, it was time to go ashore. Going by this girl the smell of bird
poo was awesome. I asked Bear to go around again for the second picture, we love
the way all the faces are
looking stage
right. Oh I think I
have just given Bear the idea of a new sport, Hey it makes a change from
whispering. Yes
dear. The quaint water front.
Brushed down, we
wandered up to the Hotel and
Restaurant Romantico, a building nestled into the hillside. Bliss to see
the girl bib
bobbing. Our first lunch
ashore – to celebrate. Bear had red snapper, carbonara no garlic for me and our lovely Marciano. Bear went to
check on Baby Beez as the
ferry came
in. Captain Bear stood to watch the
proceedings as the ferry beached, let the ramp down, passengers loaded,
ramp up and off in
minutes. Time for a game of chess and then a
walk We saw one or two
beautiful houses, a few
one careful owners
and the
runway...... Bear with the runway to his
left. A real village atmosphere amongst the bespoke
houses. The lovely