Fare Bimble
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 4 Sep 2013 22:57
Bimbling Around
We have loved our time on this
super friendly island, where it seems most people speak English. Our days have
taken on a nice rhythm, a film over early breakfast or a chore or two. Lunch,
prepared by the skipper - who makes some very interesting rolls for himself, a
spuddle on Baby Beez or to the supermarket for bits and bobs, same delivered to
Beez. The rest of the afternoon on the beach, home for a shower, game or two and
a late supper over a new film to us. Current collection stands at 1986 (about
two hundred we have never heard of let alone seen). We spoke to a lady who told
us the supply ships keep everyone well stocked and the ferry to Raiatea leaves
at two every morning, getting in at six, she had done the journey once and was
so sick – never again, she shuddered at the thought of crossing an ocean on a
tiny boat. We have found big bags of crinkle cut crisps on offer at ninety
pence. This is a major coup, as in Tahiti same bag was two pounds fifty. Cheese
and eggs are very reasonable as is meat, salad and potatoes. Tinned goods have
been on a par with the UK so a bit of stocking up done. Two litres of diet coke
comes in at two pounds eighty, not sure what that is in Tesco nowadays. A visit
by a little supply ship.
Not what we expected, a proper dustcart. Along the High Street of Fare
(pronounced Far-Aye), the usual heavily supplied by Chinese container imported
goods, a few clothing stores, the supermarket, a couple of bars, one restaurant
and a laundry (eye watering prices, so ours done aboard). The Gendarmes don’t
have a busy working life, so double up as delivery drivers and help anywhere
they can be useful, very charming the two we have met. The population of five
thousand are all so happy and contented that crime is almost non existent.
This town gets my thumbs up. I just
lurrrrve trikes, this beauty is for sale for the
princely sum of $437. Mmmmm.
One of the many aisles in the well stocked supermarket, the Chinese influence clear
to see.
We both think it smashing to see some chaps, and hear them chattering as
they roost in the trees around dusk. Thank you to Paul, who emailed saying the
chaps on the left are called Bulbul, sadly a menace in New Zealand where they
take active steps to reduce the population.
I was thrilled to watch this little
chap pecking about in the grass.
off. Time for us to nip the shopping home and then to the beach for a
quick dip.
Once at the beach the skipper is seen trotting off with the rubbish, no
charge here to use the wheelie bins.
We like to watch the many locals who
bring their dogs for a jolly good bath, no sooner released from the scrubbing
part, than a good roll on the sand.
We happened one afternoon to be
sitting, drip drying on Baby Beez, when we saw a slight movement in the broken
coral band by the waters edge, a chap perhaps
A little
This one proves good shells are hard to find.
have been lovely here, this is our last as we are off on the