KT Camp

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 26 Apr 2018 22:57
Koshi Tappu
![]() Our nest for the
week. To the right (of our number 11) is number 12, housing a guide for a
couple of days, furthest right the kitchen to the dining room.
20th April, 22:00. So.......were dropped off by our mad taxi
driver in the pitch black, miles from the nearest village, it did feel like we
were being dropped in the middle of a scene from The Deliverance. A kerosene
lamp hanging on a hook outside, two rechargeable lamps and a torch for indoor
use. Our washing water in a suspended blue bucket with tap and an aluminium bowl
beneath. Bear went off for a ‘welcome dal bhat’, I found enough ‘stuff’ for the
night. To say our beds were hard was an understatement and if we threw a pillow
at each other we would have died. There was a wedding reception going on
somewhere nearby – that went on all night. Three a.m. the men did a stint at
singing that can best be described as painful. This may be a very long
![]() The dining
21st April. We
breakfasted at nine (to quickly become a habit for the rest of the week, save
for our six o’clock National Park day). We had expected to be full board, all
inclusive to be told “No, just bed and breakfast”. After Bear ate enough for the
whole day we bimbled back to number 11 for a sort out. My heavy, heavy bed was
moved next to Bear’s, we moved the mats about and set up an outside table
indoors as a tea making jobby. Any of the four men here were happy to keep us
supplied with a huge flask of hot water. Sooooo pleased we brought a bag full of
Lipton’s tea bags and a powdered milk.
![]() ![]() ![]() Then we settled to bird watching from
our garden chairs. Seventeen – including a grey hornbill, drongos (Bear became
Mr Drongo Expert), Oriental magpie robin (not a
redbreast in sight), a pair of Small minivet and a
Red-vented bulbul.
![]() A beautiful
BBJ – big brown job.
![]() 22nd April. We had so much fun
sitting with garden visitors, we did it again. The treat for us both was
spending ages watching Woody at his hammering
(black-rumped woodpecker). A great sadness is you could shove a wooden lollipop
stick in the ground here and it would grow something. Just a few hibiscus,
bottlebrush and yellow bell plants would bring in loads of sunbird, babblers,
warblers, wagtails and everyone with an interest in colour, but no – a sad lack
of interest in anything but sweeping the path near the dining room.
![]() ![]() I was in the shower (washing a bit at
a time as too whimp to fully stand under the cold onslaught. Someone shouted
“owl” and Bear set off with the big camera. Well done him. A
brown hawk owl.
We settled early as we were due on a
car visit to the National Park at six the next morning, but no sooner than we
had settled there was an alarmed man at our zipper demanding we run to the
dining room. A young, troubled bull elephant, just coming into must was on the
rampage. All around the camp we could hear locals beating trays, honking horns
and screaming. Twenty minutes later we were told that all was well but sleep was
thin on the ground due to an army of dogs barking madly for the rest of the
night. At three a lesser cuckoo went mad and a very loud koel took over at
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A noisy Bronzed
drongo, a pretty Spotted
dove, a busy Great tit and a handsome
monochrome chapess – Mrs Oriental magpie
![]() A pair of Asian
pied starlings scruffing about.
23rd April. Car day to National Park.
A successful day, eighty-two birds seen plus a load yet to be identified. Fresh
water dolphins (extremely rare now), wild water buffalo and heavily guarded,
critically endangered white-rumped vultures. We got back to camp at half past
six, just after dusk and Bear fancied a dal bhat. Sadly, it knocked him off his
![]() 24th April. Bear
slept the whole day save for the very frequent races to the toilet. A
good dose of Cipro and he hoped to be well for the next day. I sat and made
lists for Beez, did my eight thousand stomps around the garden (kept to the
stony path after seeing a four foot paddy snake in the leafy bit) and listened
to a really good audiobook. Bed that night I heard a clacking, not the footfall
of our big, resident gecko, more a four-footed clack. Torch on and in the corner
a small frog. Took a while for it to feel safe behind my pillow and Bear caught
it in a piece of tissue. As he hoyed it out, it tinkled on him, not pleased at
having to wash, yet another night of disturbed sleep.
![]() Back to our camp bimble. Between us
and number 10, the facilities. Lurch, as we called
him, put a kerosene lamp each end outside each evening. Cold showers with
whichever insects were taking shelter at the time.........became the
![]() ![]() 10,
9 and Number 8 looked fairly
![]() ![]() ![]() Number 7, 6 and 5 all fading off by degree.
![]() ![]() Number 4.
Things are getting poorly now, as are the facilities in the corner.
![]() Number 3,
barely hanging in there.
25th April.
Bear needed a rest day so we sat and chatted about Beez job lists, drank lots of
tea and retired early. More elephant dissuasion from the locals and we both sat
bolt upright at the unmistakable claw-fall of a jackal walking across our grass
mat outside the one layer of zipped door......
No electricity
for a whole week became a chore in as much as having to go indoors around five
o’clock because of the savage mosquitoes (didn’t matter how much spray I put on,
they just bit me through my trousers...). I’m used to sitting up after Bear nods
off for an hour of blogging or photograph editing. Frustrating as they have a
wire going the length of the garden for a line of bright, bright electric bulbs
(said to scare off the elephants) but anything we needed to charge up was
squirrelled to the men’s hut where they had big electric fans........
![]() We could just about make out the
stumps of numbers 2 and 1. The hide was washed away
three years ago but still listed as ‘in use’ on the website – last updated two
years ago. All phone numbers incorrect and most sites listed the place as
‘full’. So why were we Billy Nomates the entire week ???
![]() ![]() ![]() All that’s left of
the three bird tables.
![]() ![]() The dining
room from left to right, piled high with garden furniture, Bear enjoyed
his breakfasts but the second time he had dal bhat he got really
![]() Feeling brighter but very tired-looking. Time to move on
tomorrow wethinks....
![]() ![]() 26th April. I
explored the three, big ponds that were behind the
dining room. A perfect wilderness garden. This place
should have birdwatchers racing to get here, not be a sad reflection of it’s
former glory. At the ponds I saw moorhen, kingfishers, coucal, koel and so much