PA St David's

St David’s, Port Arthur
The church, which has taken St. David as its patron saint, is a pretty little building, erected in a prominent position in the township in the the shadows of the ruins of the old church. It is a welcome addition to the buildings of the township (The Mercury, 19th of December 1927. When the convict station closed in 1877 the area was renamed Carnavon and became a popular holiday spot with boarding houses and also developed as a farming area. An Anglican minister was appointed to the Tasman Peninsula with services in a number of places including the small and charming church of St Alban at Koonya and services nearby in the Town Hall which originally been the Convict Asylum, for a number of years. St. David’s Church was built on donated land and members of the congregation gave money, raised funds and donated the altar cloth, seats and carpet. The foundation stone was laid in May 1927 and the church was dedicated on the 18th of December. Despite the rain, people from all over the Peninsula came to see the Bishop of Tasmania, the Rt. Rev. R.S. Hay perform the ceremony. This church is still part of the local Anglican parish and services are held regularly. Visitors are welcome to join the congregation in worship.
Bishop Cranswick and the first confirmation class circa 1947.
![]() ![]() ![]() Inside St
![]() ![]() ![]() The altar and
organ. More recent furnishings are three carved wooden chairs produced by a
local craftsman from native timbers, the 23rd Psalm plaque and the sanctuary
hanging. The latter two were gifts in response to the 1996 tragedy. In the front
of the old prayer book is the inscription: First
used at the confirmation held at Carnavon on July 28th 1891 by the bishop of
Tasmania. The officiating bishop was the Right Reverend Sir Henry
Hutchinson Montgomery. He was the father of Field-Marshal Bernard Montgomery,
later Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, one of the most inspirational British
military commanders of World War Two. The minister was the Reverend C.J.
Brammall, based at Sorell. Hanging on the wall was the Lord’s Prayer
in Nyoongar. Translated by the Nyoongar Elders from
south west Western Australia.
Ngaala Maaman ngiyan yira moonboolii moonlooka – Our Father who is above and beyond everything, Kooranyi noonak kori. Noonak waangk yoowarl koorl – Holy and sacred is your name. Your word will come here Birdiyar ngaala boodja noonook warn noonak kootanyi kaalak, – And be the boss on your ground as you do in your holy and sacred home, Nyinyak ngaalang nidja kedala ngaala mereny – Give us this day our daily bread. Nyinya nyinyak ngaalang ngaala wara waariny – Forgive us our bad doings Ngaalak nyinya nyinyak baalang ngiyan warn wara ngaalang – We forgive them who do bad to us Yoowart koori ngaalang moort-moort djooroot – Don’t take us to the struggling path Maaman maar barabg ngaalang, djenak yoowart barang ngaalang – Father hold us so the devil doesn’t get us Noonak waangk birdiyar – Your word is boss Noonak moorditj, noonook ngaangk yira – You are strong, you are the rising sun Kalyokool, kalykool – For ever and ever Kaya – Amen